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Visualisierung Personengruppe und Binärsystem© DFKI

Intelligent Analytics for Massive Data


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  1. Eric Ettore; Philipp Müller; Jonas Hinze; Michel Benoit; Bruno Giordana; Danilo Postin; Rene Hurlemann; Amandine Lecomte; Michel Musiol; Hali Lindsay; Philippe Robert; Alexandra König

    Digital Phenotyping for Differential Diagnosis of Major Depressive Episode: Narrative Review

    In: JMIR Mental Health, Vol. 10, Page e37225, JMIR Publications Toronto, Canada, 2023.

  2. Hali Lindsay; Johannes Tröger; Mario Mina; Nicklas Linz; Philipp Müller; Jan Alexandersson; Inez Ramakers

    Generating Synthetic Clinical Speech Data Through Simulated ASR Deletion Error

    In: 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Resources and Processing of Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic Data from People with Various Forms …

  3. Alexandra König; Philipp Müller; Johannes Tröger; Hali Lindsay; Jan Alexandersson; Jonas Hinze; Matthias Riemenschneider; Danilo Postin; Eric Ettore; Amandine Lecomte; Michel Musiol; Maxime Amblard; François Bremond; Michal Balazia; Rene Hurlemann

    Multimodal phenotyping of psychiatric disorders from social interaction: Protocol of a clinical multicenter prospective study

    In: Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry, Vol. 33, Pages 1-1, Elsevier, 2022.

  4. Hali Lindsay; Johannes Tröger; Alexandra König

    Language Impairment in Alzheimer's Disease; Robust and Explainable Evidence for AD-Related Deterioration of Spontaneous Speech Through Multilingual Machine Learning

    In: Oliver Peters; Serguei Pakhomov (Hrsg.). Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, Vol. 13, Page 228, Frontiers, 5/2021.

  5. Hali Lindsay; Philipp Müller; Nicklas Linz; Radia Zeghari; Mario Magued Mina; Alexandra Konig; Johannes Tröger

    Dissociating Semantic and Phonemic Search Strategies in the Phonemic Verbal Fluency Task in early Dementia

    In: Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: Improving Access. Meeting of the North American Chapter …

  6. Daphne BG ter Huurne; Inez HGB Ramakers; Nicklas Linz; Alexandra König; Kai Langel; Hali Lindsay; Frans RJ Verhey; Marjolein de Vugt

    Clinical use of deep speech parameters derived from the semantic verbal fluency task

    In: 2021 Alzheimer's Association International Conference. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC-2021), ALZ, 2021.

  7. Alexandra König; Radia Zeghari; Rachid Guerchouche; Minh Duc Tran; François Bremond; Nicklas Linz; Hali Lindsay; Kai Langel; Inez Ramakers; Pascale Lemoine

    Remote cognitive assessment of older adults in rural areas by telemedicine and automatic speech and video analysis: protocol for a cross-over feasibility study

    In: BMJ Open, Vol. 11, No. 9, Page e047083, British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2021.

  8. Hali Lindsay; Philipp Müller; Insa Kröger; Johannes Tröger; Nicklas Linz; Alexandra König; Radia Zeghari; Frans RJ Verhey; Inez HGB Ramakers

    Multilingual Learning for Mild Cognitive Impairment Screening from a Clinical Speech Task

    In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE RECENT ADVANCES IN NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP-2021), September …

  9. Alexandra König; Kevin Riviere; Nicklas Linz; Hali Lindsay; Julia Elbaum; Roxane Fabre; Alexandre Derreumaux; Philippe Robert

    Measuring Stress in Health Professionals Over the Phone Using Automatic Speech Analysis During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observational Pilot Study

    In: Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), Vol. 23, No. 4, Page e24191, JMIR Publications Inc., Toronto, Canada, 2021.

  10. Hali Lindsay; Johannes Tröger Hali Lindsay; Jan Alexandersson; Alexandra König

    What Difference Does it Make? Early Dementia Detection Using the Semantic and Phonemic Verbal Fluency Task

    In: Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Resources and ProcessIng of linguistic, para-linguistic and extra-linguistic Data from people with …


Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Intelligent Analytics for Massive Data
DFKI Lab Berlin
Alt-Moabit 91c
10559 Berlin