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Smart Service Engineering


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  1. Integration Erneuerbarer Energien – KI-basierte Vorhersageverfahren zur Stromerzeugung durch Photovoltaikanlagen

    In: Thomas Barton; Christian Müller. Data Science anwenden: Einführung, Anwendungen und Projekte. Pages 147-170, ISBN 978-3-658-33813-8, Springer …

  2. Tarek Safi; Loay Daas; Gian-Luca Kiefer; Mansi Sharma; Alassane Ndiaye; Matthieu Deru; Jan Alexandersson; Berthold Seitz

    Semiquantitative Criteria in the Eye Bank That Correlate with Cornea Guttata in Donor Corneas

    In: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, Vol. 238, No. 6, Pages 680-687, Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2021.

  3. Schaugar Azad; Marcel Ludwig; Markus Zdrallek; Julian Zimpel; Marcus Hörhammer; Christian Breuer; Alexander Schalk; Nils Neusel-Lange; Boris Brandherm; Matthieu Deru; Alassane Ndiaye

    Smart Meter as a Cornerstone for Grid Integration of Renewable Energies

    In: 9th Solar & Storage Integration Workshop (SIW) Dublin, Ireland. International Workshop on Integration of Solar into Power Systems (SIW-2019), …

  4. Schaugar Azad; Evgeny Schnittmann; Markus Zdrallek; Christian Breuer; Julian Zimpel; Marcus Hörhammer; Alexander Schalk; Nils Neusel-Lange; Boris Brandherm; Matthieu Deru; Alassane Ndiaye

    Increasing Grid Visibility on the Basis of Smart Meters as a Building Block for Grid Integration of Electromobility

    In: 3rd E-Mobility Integration Symposium (E-Mobility) Dublin, Ireland. E-Mobility Integration Symposium (E-Mobility-2019), October 14, Dublin, …

  5. A Collaborative Touch-based Newspaper Editor Concept

    In: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces. ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and …

  6. Building Multimodal Dialogue Applications: System Integration in SmartKom

    In: Wolfgang Wahlster (Hrsg.). SmartKom: Foundations of Multimodal Dialogue Systems. Pages 439-452, Cognitive Technologies, ISBN 978-3-540-23732-7, …

  7. Norbert Reithinger; Patrick Gebhard; Markus Löckelt; Alassane Ndiaye; Norbert Pfleger; Martin Rumpler; Michael Kipp; Anselm Blocher; Wolfgang Wahlster

    Dialogic and Affective Interaction with VirtualHuman

    In: Proceedings of the 29th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2006). German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI), Pages …

  8. Michael Kipp; Kerstin H. Kipp; Alassane Ndiaye; Patrick Gebhard

    Evaluating the Tangible Interface and Virtual Characters in the Interactive COHIBIT Exhibit

    In: Proceedings of the 6th International Working Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA '06). International Conference on Intelligent Virtual …

  9. Alassane Ndiaye; Patrick Gebhard; Michael Kipp; Martin Klesen; Michael Schneider; Wolfgang Wahlster

    Ambient Intelligence in Edutainment: Tangible Interaction with Life-Like Exhibit Guides

    In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INTETAIN 2005). Conference on …


Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Smart Service Engineering
Campus D3 2
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbrücken