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News Overview


Displaying results 1 to 10 of 1439.
  1. Tag der Raumfahrt (Space Day): Experience current research in space robotics at the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center

    Tag der Raumfahrt (Space Day): Experience current research in space robotics at the DFKI Robotics Innovation Center

    Whether it's navigation in cars, live television broadcasts or climate protection measures – space travel is not only fascinating, it also plays an ...

  2. "Was wir machen, ist wie Gehirnchirurgie" – Van Genabith und Ostermann zur Zukunft der maschinellen Übersetzung am DFKI

    "Was wir machen, ist wie Gehirnchirurgie" – Van Genabith und Ostermann zur Zukunft der maschinellen Übersetzung am DFKI

    Am Deutschen Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) in Saarbrücken treiben Prof. Josef van Genabith und Dr. Simon Ostermann die Forschung ...

  3. DFKI und ASCS starten strategische Partnerschaft für KI-gestützte Simulation im Bereich Automotive und Mobilität

    DFKI und ASCS starten strategische Partnerschaft für KI-gestützte Simulation im Bereich Automotive und Mobilität

    Das Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) und das Automotive Solution Center for Simulation (ASCS) gehen eine strategische ...

  4. Intelligent technologies for the port of the future: DFKI participates in the Smartport Living Lab

    Intelligent technologies for the port of the future: DFKI participates in the Smartport Living Lab

    The ports of Bremen face the challenge of digitizing and automating their processes to remain competitive in the long term. In the new Smartport ...

  5. AI Action Summit: Europe's path to trustworthy AI

    AI Action Summit: Europe's path to trustworthy AI

    Europe sets its course: The AI Action Summit in Paris marks a milestone for the European AI strategy and sends a strong signal. Four DFKI experts look ...

  6. We are going All of AI – DFKI at HANNOVER MESSE 2025

    We are going All of AI – DFKI at HANNOVER MESSE 2025

    How can artificial intelligence transform the industrial value chain while remaining socially and ecologically responsible? The German Research Center ...

  7. Workshop “Leadership and trustworthy AI in practice” - Get the skills of tomorrow!

    Workshop “Leadership and trustworthy AI in practice” - Get the skills of tomorrow!

    Artificial intelligence is not only fundamentally changing work processes, but also the demands placed on managers. Would you like to understand how ...

  8. „Nun sag, wie hast du's mit der Wahrheit?“ - Gretchen AI revolutioniert Verifikation von digitaler Information

    „Nun sag, wie hast du's mit der Wahrheit?“ - Gretchen AI revolutioniert Verifikation von digitaler Information

    Das Berliner Startup Gretchen AI, ein Spin-off des Deutschen Forschungszentrums für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), etabliert neue Standards in der ...

  9. Protecting against cyberattacks: Project sets new standards in IT security with formal verification and flexibility

    Protecting against cyberattacks: Project sets new standards in IT security with formal verification and flexibility

    Cyberattacks on companies and public institutions are increasing dramatically worldwide. The PROTECT project, funded by the Cyberagentur, is ...

  10. OECD presents reporting tool for advanced AI applications in Paris

    OECD presents reporting tool for advanced AI applications in Paris

    AI is driving disruptive technological innovations, creating the need for international agreements to prevent misuse and successfully exploit the ...
