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Project | KI-Kompass Inklusiv

Competence Centre on AI and Inclusion in the World of Work

Competence Centre on AI and Inclusion in the World of Work

The project is the follow-up project to KI.ASSIST (in which DFKI is already working successfully with 3 practice partners). Building on the results of KI.ASSIST, the new project KI Kompass Inklusiv (translated acronym: AI Compass Inclusive) will set up a competence center for AI and occupational inclusion to provide advice and support to various stakeholders in the testing and introduction of AI-supported assistance technologies in a needs-oriented and practical manner. The competence center is both scientifically grounded and practical as well as inclusive and innovative.


  • Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Berufsbildungswerke e.V.
  • Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen e.V.
  • Bundesverband Deutscher Berufsförderungswerke e.V.



BMAS - Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

BMAS - Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs