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Cognitive Assistants


Page 2 of 7.

  1. Christian Mandel; Kathrin Stich; Serge Autexier; Christoph Lüth; Ariane Ziehn; Karin Hochbaum; Rolf Dembinski; Christoph Int-Veen

    Using Gated Recurrent Unit Networks for the Prediction of Hemodynamic and Pulmonary Decompensation

    In: Proceedings of the 44th. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. International Conference of the IEEE …

  2. Alexander Fratzer; Vladimir Herdt; Christoph Lüth; Rolf Drechsler

    Virtual Prototype based Analysis of Neural Network Cache Behavior for Tiny Edge Device

    In: Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL). Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL-2022), September 14-16, Linz, Austria, 2022.

  3. Iris Pigeot; Frank Oliver Glöckner; Rolf Drechsler; Tanja Hörner; Derk Hergen Schönfeld; Lena Steinmann; Björn Oliver Schmidt; Florian Cordes; Frank Kirchner; Christoph Lüth; Antje Boetius; Andreas Breiter; Nicolas Dittert; Rainer Fechte-Heinen; Jutta Günther; Horst Hahn; Jan-Ocko Heuer; Betina Hollstein; Elisabeth Huber; Lutz Mädler; Guido Prause; Norbert Riefler; Norman Sieroka

    Etablierung eines kooperativen Forschungsdatenmanagements in der U Bremen Research Alliance

    Zenodo, 5/2021.

  4. Fritjof Bornebusch; Christoph Lüth; Robert Wille; Rolf Drechsler

    Performance Aspects of Correctness-oriented Synthesis Flows

    In: 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD). International Conference on Model-Driven …

  5. Fritjof Bornebusch; Christoph Lüth; Robert Wille; Rolf Drechsler

    Safety First: About the Detection of Arithmetic Overflows in Hardware Design Specifications

    In: Slimane Hammoudi; Luís Ferreira Pires; Bran Selić (Hrsg.). 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development …

  6. Christina Cociancig; Christoph Lüth; Rolf Drechsler

    Modeling for Explainability: Ethical Decision-Making in Automated Resource Allocation

    In: Proceedings of the Upper-Rhine Artificial Intelligence Symposium (UR-AI 2021). Upper-Rhine Artificial Intelligence Symposium (UR-AI-2021), October …

  7. Fritjof Bornebusch; Christoph Lüth; Robert Wille; Rolf Drechsler

    Towards Automatic Hardware Synthesis from Formal Specification to Implementation

    In: 25th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC). Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC-2020), 25th, …

  8. Fritjof Bornebusch; Christoph Lüth; Robert Wille; Rolf Drechsler

    Integer Overflow Detection in Hardware Designs at the Specification Level

    In: 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD). International Conference on Model-Driven …

  9. Martin Ring; Fritjof Bornebusch; Christoph Lüth; Robert Wille; Rolf Drechsler

    Verification Runtime Analysis: Get the Most Out of Partial Verification

    In: Design, Automation & Test in Europe. Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE-2020), March 9-13, Grenoble, France, IEEE, 2020.

  10. Stefan Fischer; Martin Leucker; Christoph Lüth; Thomas Martinetz; Raimund Mildner; Dirk Nowotka; Frank Steinicke

    KI-SIGS: Artificial Intelligence for the Northern German Health Ecosystem

    In: Digitale Welt, Vol. 4, Pages 49-54, Springer Verlag, 12/2019.


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