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Displaying results 51 to 60 of 574.
  1. Daniel Kondratyuk; Milan Straka

    75 Languages, 1 Model: Parsing Universal Dependencies Universally

    In: Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 2019. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …

  2. Jens Meyerjürgens; Thomas H Badewien; Oliver Zielinski

    Trajectories of state-of-the-art surface drifters reveal pathways of floating marine litter in the North Sea

    In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (JGR Oceans), Vol. 21, Pages 1-1, Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH, Göttingen, 1/2019.

  3. Karsten Lettmann; Michael Schönung; Anna Fiesinger; Tim Wüllner; Florian Hahner; Jannes Suckow; Rosanna Schöneich-Argent; Jens Meyerjürgens; Beke Tietjen; Thomas Badewien; Oliver Zielinski; Christian Aden; Peter Schaal; Ingo Mose; Emil Stanev; Holger Freund

    Modelling the Riverine Transport of Surface-Floating Macroplastic within the River Weser and Investigating its Input into the German Bight and the Southern North Sea.

    In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (JGR Oceans), Vol. 21, Pages 1-1, Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH, Göttingen, 2019.

  4. B.P. Koch; Uwe John; Rudi Amann; Philipp Assmy; Lennart T. Bach; Claudia Burau; Bente Edvardsen; Mar Fernandez Mendez; Anna Friedrichs; Jana Geuer; Mario Hoppema; Oliver Huhn; Morten Iversen; Christian Konrad; Nancy Kühne; Oliver Lechtenfeld; Andreas Mackensen; S. Leigh McCallister; Elina Nystedt; P. Schmitt-Kopplin; Kai Schwalfenberg; Miriam Seifert; C.A. Stedmon; Dedmer van de Waal; Helga van der Jagt; Sylke Wohlrab; Jörg Wulf; Urban Wünsch; Oliver Zielinski

    Molecular ecological chemistry in Arctic fjords at different stages of deglaciation, Cruise No. MSM56, July 2-July 25, 2016, Longyearbyen (Svalbard, Norway)-Reykjavík (Iceland)

    Working paper, DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, c/o MARUM – Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften Universität Bremen, MARIA S. …

  5. M. Indrees; Leandro L. Minku; Frederic Theodor Stahl; Atta Badii

    A Heterogeneous Online Learning Ensemble for Non-Stationary Environments

    In: Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS), Vol. 188, No. 104983, Pages 1-23, Elsevier Ltd. Amsterdam, 8/2019.

  6. Alexander Beuther; Peter Fettke

    Towards the Digital Transformation of Tax - Inductive Development of a Functional Reference Model for International Transfer Pricing

    In: 11th Annual Pre-ICIS 2019 Workshop on Accounting Information Systems (SIGASYS). International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS-2019), …

  7. Anika Steinert; Jörn Kiselev; Robert Klebbe; Michael Schröder; Aaron Russ; Kinga Schumacher; Norbert Reithinger; Ursula Müller-Werdan

    Usage of a Technical Communication and Documentation System by Older Adults and Professionals in Multidisciplinary Home Rehabilitation

    In: Jia Zhou; Gavriel Salvendy (Hrsg.). Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for the Elderly and Technology Acceptance. International …

  8. Thierry Declerck

    Porting the “Thirty Six Dramatic Situations” to a Multilingual Ontology

    In: Proceedings of EADH 2018. European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH-2018), Data in Digital Humanities, December 7-9, Galway, Ireland, …

  9. Geschäftsmodellinnovation in digitalen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken

    In: Wissenschaft trifft Praxis, Vol. 12, Pages 45-50, WIK GmbH, 7/2019.

  10. "Strukturieren, Strukturieren, Strukturieren" in the Era of Robotic Process Automation

    In: Katrin Bergener; Michael Räckers; Armin Stein (Hrsg.). The Art of Structuring. Pages 191-201, ISBN 978-3-030-06233-0 (print); 978-3-030-06234-7 …