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  1. MARY - Modular Architecture for Research on speech sYnthesis

    MARY is a Text-to-Speech Synthesis System for German, English and Tibetan. It was originally developed as a collaborative project of DFKI's language …

  2. ActiveMath - ActiveMath

    ActiveMath is an innovative, adaptive web-based environment for learning mathematics. The system guides the student in self-regulated learning, can …

  3. Rainbow II - An Object Network for Statisticians and Administrations

    The World Wide Web offers a wealth of texts, tables and maps for you to browse through. But computing your own results from that information is a …

  4. OLIVE - Play it again, Sam! - Retrieval of video material based on speech-recognition

    Olive, closely related to the Pop-Eye project which uses subtitles for the retrieval of video material, takes this approach further by additionally …

  5. MIETTA - Multilingual Tourist Information on the World Wide Web

    The travel and tourism sector is one of the biggest economic branches world-wide. For this sector the World Wide Web plays an increasingly important …

  6. ICC - Innovation at the Call-Center

    Professional computer-aided customer care is among the largest growth markets in the services sector. DFKI's ICC project concentrates on two areas of …

  7. DiET - Diagnostic and Evaluation tools for Natural Language Applications

    As industrial use of Language Technology is flourishing and the market for competing software systems is expanding, there is an increasing need for …

  8. PARADIME - Intelligent Extraction of Information from On-line Documents

    Along with the rapidly growing distribution of the Internet, the problem of information overload is beginning to take over: the more on-line texts are …

  9. POP-EYE - Disclosure of video material on the basis of sub-titles

    In film and video productions budget-saving reuse of visual material plays an important role. Cataloguing and indexing of film and video recordings as …

  10. FLAG - A Flexible Language and Grammar Checker

    The Flag project is a research project aimed at developing grammar and controlled language checking technologies using state-of-the-art natural …

  11. TAMIC-P - Transparent Access to Heterogenous Information Sources for the General Public

    The administration of information in Europe is currently undergoing a series of changes. This is effecting a number of different sectors, ranging from …

  12. VM-DEEP - Deep Linguistic Analysis in Verbmobil

    In the Verbmobil project the Language Technology Lab develops the German grammar for analysis and generation as well as the components for the deep, …

  13. MULINEX - Multilingual Indexing,Navigation and Editing Extensions for the WWW

    The MULINEX project is concerned with the efficient use of multilingual online information. The aim is to process multilingual information and present …

  14. TEMSIS - Transnational Environmental Management Support & Information System

    The increasing availability of up-to-date data in the information age is of limited use without adequate presentation. Language technology can make an …

  15. TG/2 - Practical Generation of Natural Language Text

    Dynamically generated text is necessary for many intelligent applications that provide information or include a need to communicate. Many of these …

  16. TWENTYONE - Disclosure and dissemination of documents on sustainable development

    In the TWENTYONE project environmental organisations, technology providers and research institutes from various European countries are working …

  17. VirtualOffice - Media-independent handling of administrative workflows

    The aim of VirtualOffice is research and development of innovative solutions for document analysis and understanding (DAU) and their integration into …

  18. TAMIC - Transparent Access to Multiple Information for the Citizen

    TAMIC is a pilot project funded by the European Community to investigate the feasibility of NL access to heterogeneous information systems. The main …

  19. PARADICE - Parameterizable NL Discourse Core Engine

    The project PARADICE will construct a core engine for natural language processing which allows an easy configuration of the system relative to …

  20. COSMA - Automated Appointment Scheduling by E-Mail

    Planning business appointments with a number of partners can easily become a time and money consuming process: multitudinous queries, corrections and …