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Speech and Language Technology


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  1. Hans-Ulrich Krieger

    Where Temporal Description Logics Fail: Representing Temporally-Changing Relationships

    In: Andreas Dengel; K. Berns; Thomas Breuel; Frank Bomarius; Thomas Roth-Berghofer (Hrsg.). KI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. German …

  2. Thierry Declerck; Hans-Ulrich Krieger; Marcus Spies; Horacio Saggion

    Human Language and Semantic Web Technologies for Business Intelligence Applications

    In: Proceedings of LangTech 2008. European Forum for Speech and Language Technology (LangTech), February 28-29, Rom, Italy, Online-Proceedings, 2008.

  3. Anette Frank; Hans-Ulrich Krieger; Feiyu Xu; Hans Uszkoreit; Berthold Crysmann; Ulrich Schäfer

    Question Answering from Structured Knowledge Sources

    In: Journal of Applied Logic, Vol. 5, No. 1, Pages 20-48, 2007.

  4. Thierry Declerck; Hans-Ulrich Krieger; Bernd Kiefer; Marcus Spies; Christian Leibold

    Integration of Semantic Resources and Tools for Business Intelligence

    In: Sergio de Cesare; Grant Holland; Carsten Holtmann; Mark Lycett (Hrsg.). International Workshop on Semantic-Based Software Development. …

  5. Hans-Ulrich Krieger

    From UBGs to CFGs A Practical Corpus-Driven Approach

    In: Natural Language Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 4, Pages 317-351, 2007.

  6. Thierry Declerck; Hans-Ulrich Krieger

    Translating XBRL Into Description Logic. An Approach Using Protégé, Sesame & OWL

    In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Business Information Systems. International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS), …

  7. Nuria Bertomeu; Hans Uszkoreit; Anette Frank; Hans-Ulrich Krieger; Brigitte Jörg

    Contextual phenomena and thematic relations in database QA dialogues: results from a Wizard-of-Oz Experiment

    In: Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 2006 Workshop on Interactive Question Answering. Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association …

  8. Anette Frank; Hans-Ulrich Krieger; Feiyu Xu; Hans Uszkoreit; Berthold Crysmann; Brigitte Jörg; Ulrich Schäfer

    Question Answering from Structured Knowledge Sources

    In: Journal of Applied Logic, Vol. electronic publication, Pages 20-48, Elsevier Science, 12/2005.

  9. Witold Drozdzynski; Hans-Ulrich Krieger; Jakub Piskorski; Ulrich Schäfer

    SProUT - a General-Purpose NLP Framework Integrating Finite-State and Unification-based Grammar Formalisms

    In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing. International Workshop on Finite State …

  10. Anette Frank; Hans-Ulrich Krieger; Feiyu Xu; Hans Uszkoreit; Berthold Crysmann; Brigitte Jörg; Ulrich Schäfer

    Querying Structured Knowledge Sources

    In: Proceedings of AAAI-05. Workshop on Question Answering in Restricted Domains. AAAI Workshop on Question Answering in Restricted Domains, …



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Deutsches Forschungszentrum für
Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Speech and Language Technology Lab
Alt-Moabit 91c
10559 Berlin