OntoLex-Lemon as a Possible Bridge between WordNets and Full Lexical Descriptions
Thierry Declerck; Melanie Siegel; Dagmar Gromann
In: Christiane Fellbaum; Piek Vossen; Ewa Rudnicka; Marek Maziarz; Maciej Piasecki (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Tenth Global Wordnet Conference. Global WordNet Conference (GWC-2019), July 23-27, Wrocław, Poland, Pages 264-271, ISBN 978-83-7493-108-3, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław, 7/2019.
In this paper we describeour current work on representing a recently created German lexical semantics resource in OntoLex-Lemon and in conformance with WordNet specifications. Besides presenting the representation effort, we show the utilization of OntoLex-Lemon to bridge from WordNet-like resources to full lexical descriptions and extend the coverage of WordNets to other types of lexical data, such as decomposition results, exemplified for German data, and inflectional phenomena, here outlined for English data.