Turn-It-Up: Rendering Resistance for Knobs in Virtual Reality through Undetectable Pseudo-Haptics
Martin Feick; André Zenner; Oscar Javier Ariza Nuñez; Anthony Tang; Cihan Biyikli; Antonio Krüger
In: ACM. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST-2023), 36th, October 29 - November 1, San Francisco, Kalifornien, USA, ISBN 979-8-4007-0132-0/23/10, ACM, 2023.
Rendering haptic feedback for interactions with virtual objects is
an essential part of effective virtual reality experiences. In this
work, we explore providing haptic feedback for rotational manipu-
lations, e.g., through knobs. We propose the use of a Pseudo-Haptic
technique alongside a physical proxy knob to simulate various
physical resistances. In a psychophysical experiment with 20 partic-
ipants, we found that designers can introduce unnoticeable offsets
between real and virtual rotations of the knob, and we report the
corresponding detection thresholds. Based on these, we present the
Pseudo-Haptic Resistance technique to convey physical resistance
while applying only unnoticeable pseudo-haptic manipulation. Ad-
ditionally, we provide a first model of how C/D gains correspond
to physical resistance perceived during object rotation, and outline
how our results can be translated to other rotational manipulations.
Finally, we present two example use cases that demonstrate the
versatility and power of our approach.