Ontology Learning and Population in SmartWeb
Paul Buitelaar; Philipp Cimiano; Nicolas Weber
In: Proc. of the Philips Symposium on Intelligent Algorithms (SOIA). Philips Symposium on Intelligent Algorithms (SOIA), High Tech Campus Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 2006.
The work described in this paper is concerned with the population and extension of a soccer ontology in the context of the SmartWeb2 project. The SmartWeb system is a multi-modal dialog system that derives answers from unstructured resources such as the web, from automatically acquired knowledge bases and from semantic web services. The system is thus able to provide intelligent information services that are accessible via mobile broadband devices. The main scenario for SmartWeb is the FIFA World Cup 2006. Here we describe SOBA and ISOLDE, two sub-components of the SmartWeb system.