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W3C Emotion Incubator Group Final Report

Marc Schröder; Enrico Zovato; Hannes Pirker; Christian Peter; Felix Burkhardt
W3C, 2007.


This is the report of the W3C Emotion Incubator Group (EmoXG) as specified in the Deliverables section of its charter. In this report we present requirements for information that needs to be represented in a general-purpose Emotion Markup Language in order to be usable in a wide range of use cases.

Specifically the report:

  • describes the range of use cases in which an emotion markup language would be needed,
  • presents a rich structured collection of requirements arising from the use cases,
  • describes how these requirements coincide with scientific models of emotion,
  • begins to assess syntactic issues in view of a future specification, by evaluating existing markup languages in the light of the collected requirements.
The report identifies various areas which require further investigation and debate. The intention is that it forms a major input into a new Incubator Group which would develop a draft specification as a proposal towards a future activity in the W3C Recommendation Track.

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