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A Mathematical Framework for Efficient Closed-Form Single Scattering

Philipp Slusallek; Vincent Pegoraro; Mathias Schott
In: Stephen Brooks; Pourang Irani (Hrsg.). Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2011. Graphics Interface (GI-2011), May 25-27, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society, 2011.


Analytic approaches to efficiently simulate accurate light transport in homogeneous participating media have recently received attention in the graphics community, and although a closed-form solution to the single-scattering air-light integral has been derived for a generic representation of 1-D angular distributions, its high order of computational complexity alas limits its practical applicability. In this paper, we introduce alternative algebraic formulations of the solution that entirely preserve its closed-form nature while effectively reducing its order of complexity. The analytic derivations yield a significant decrease in the computational cost of the evaluation scheme, and the substantial gains in performance achieved by the method make high-quality light transport simulation considerably more applicable to both real-time and off-line rendering.