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Real-Time Usability Improvement for Business Information Systems based on SAP UI5 and SAP HANA

Sharam Dadashnia; Yannick Konrad; Peter Fettke; Peter Loos (Hrsg.)
Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI-2017), SAP Innovation Track, February 13-15, St. Gallen, Switzerland, AIS Electronic Library, 2/2017.


Workflow improvement nowadays plays an important role in the selection process of supporting software. This is especially true in the context of user-centric development, where the usability of business information systems is a crucial characteristic of differentiation. However, measuring the usability of such systems automatically as well as their dynamical enhancement has not been studied before. The intention is to improve and evaluate developed approaches, which improves the usability of web-based business information systems in real-time (using SAP UI5 and SAP HANA) . Different concepts e.g. preloading of content and avoiding of functionality overhead are implemented and evaluated. These concepts are build on data gathering methods from web analytics to provide log mechanisms for user interactions at a detailed level and subsequently process this data by means of data analytics and process mining methods.