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From Paper to Office Document Standard Representation

Andreas Dengel; Rainer Bleisinger; Rainer Hoch; Frank Fein; Frank Hönes
In: IEEE Computer, Vol. 25, No. 7, Pages 63-67, IEEE Computer Society, 7/1992.


The principles of the model-based document analysis system called Pi ODA (paper interface to office document architecture), which was developed as a prototype for the analysis of single-sided business letters in German, are presented. Initially, Pi ODA extracts a part-of hierarchy of nested layout objects such as text-blocks, lines, and words based on their presentation on the page. Subsequently, in a step called logical labeling, the layout objects and their compositions are geometrically analyzed to identify corresponding logical objects that can be related to a human perceptible meaning, such as sender, recipient, and date in a letter. A context-sensitive text recognition for logical objects is then applied using logical vocabularies and syntactic knowledge. As a result, Pi ODA produces a document representation that conforms to the ODA international standard.