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User Interfaces for the Digital Home on the Basis of Open Industrial Standards

Martin Klima; Miroslav Macik; Elena Urdaneta; Cristina Buiza; Eduardo Carrasco; Gorka Epelde; Jan Alexandersson
In: Proceedings of AMIF 2008. Ambient Intelligence Forum (AMIF-2008), October 15-16, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 10/2008.


In this paper we describe the design, development and evaluation of user interfaces for a modern digital home based on the ISO/IEC 24752 standard: Universal Remote Console—URC. Two target groups were addressed: seniors aged 65 years and above and people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Our goal is to design user interfaces (UI) for our target groups that make use of all available modalities, such as, graphics, voice, and video. We provide a set of recommendations and design patterns for developing UIs for seniors and Alzheimer’s disease patients. We present the results of tests of user interfaces designed for smart home environment.