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URC-Based Accessible TV

Gorka Epelde; Eduardo Carrasco; Gottfried Zimmermann; Jürgen Bund; Markus Dubielzig; Jan Alexandersson
In: Proceedings of EuroITV 2009. European Conference on Interactive TV and Video (EuroITV-2009), June 3-5, Leuven, Belgium, 2009.


This paper presents a new architecture to make TV sets accessible for all. Our proposal is based on the ISO/IEC 24752 Universal Remote Console Framework standard. This standard defines an abstract user interface layer called the "user interface socket" and allows the development of pluggable user interfaces for any type of user. Since this architecture is standards based, the development of compatible pluggable interfaces is open to any third party. Besides, a prototype of the proposed architecture has been built. In this prototype, the Universal Control Hub (UCH) has been used as the URC framework implementation, a PC with Windows Vista Media Center has been used as a TV Set-top box, and two pluggable UIs have been developed. These UIs consist of an accessible DHTML page for the visually impaired, and a multimodal client, which allows interaction via touch screen and speech. Finally, these two pluggable UIs have been validated with user groups with special needs and preliminary results show encouraging results.