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Explaining an Argumentation. Differences and Structural Analysis as a Foundation to Improve Case-Based Explanation

Jakob Michael Schönborn; Klaus-Dieter Althoff
In: Peter Heisig (Hrsg.). Knowledge Management in Digital Work Environments - State-of-the-Art and Outlook. Conference on Professional Knowledge Management (WM-2019), 10th, March 18-20, Potsdam, Germany, ISBN 978-3-947796-00-7, FHP, Potsdam, 3/2019.


The awareness for explanation-aware computing rose during the last two years rapidly. Because of the rising need in providing an explanation to support the decision made by an autonomous process, the amount of discussions and investigations on what is a “good” explanation increases as well. A differentiation between an explanation and an argumentation is missing. These two terms are often used synonymously, but are often aiming towards two different goals and thus, at a closer look, are structured differently. It has yet to be determined, if this structure can be used to identify “good” explanations and which structures the targeted conversational partner appreciates the most to increases the overall satisfaction.

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