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The Ontology-based Architecture of LT World, a Comprehensive Web Information System for a Science and Technology Discipline.

Brigitte Jörg; Hans Uszkoreit
In: Marlies Ockenfeld (Hrsg.). Leitbild Informationskompetenz: Positionen - Praxis - Perspektiven im europäischen Wissensmarkt. 27. Online Tagung (zugleich 57. Jahrestagung) der DGI. Online-Tagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informationswissenschaft und Informationspraxis (DGI), May 23-25, Frankfurt (Main), Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft f. Informationswissenschaft u. Informationspraxis; Auflage: 1, Frankfurt (Main), 5/2005.


The Web-based information system LT World is a comprehensive knowledge portal for the large and multidisciplinary field of language technology (LT), a thriving hi-tech area with numerous applications for speech, text, dialogue, translation, and information retrieval. The LT World knowledge portal offers broad information on people, projects and oganizations that deal with LT, collects research systems, tools, products and patents, lists events and news from research, development and market. In addition, LT World provides access to overview and background knowledge on 110 different language technologies. To cover the complexity of this knowledge domain, the LT World system is based on a multidimensional ontology which in addition to mere contents represents and supports central tasks needed within the acquisition and maintenance processes and moreover handles interoperability and user interfaces. The LT World ontology was designed to facilitate relevant functionalities and processes: (i) Acquisition (Gathering, Classification, Indexing) (ii) Maintenance (Efficient Storage, Consistency Control, Workflow) (iii) User interfaces (Access, Navigation, Presentation) (iv) Interoperability (Exchange, Cross-searchability, Interfaces). The paper will first introduce the ontology and then concentrate on acquisition, maintenance challenges and Web-based user interfaces. Ongoing efforts of exploiting the ontology for interoperability will be described briefly. Plans for further development will be given in the outlook.
