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Analysis of the Evaluation Results for our Tasks in COAE2009

Mosha Chen; Rui Wang; Xiaojun Zhang; Wei Qiu; Yi Zhang; Tingyu Li; Wenbo Zhang; Tianfang Yao
In: Proceedings of the second Chinese opinion analysis evaluation. Chinese Opinion Analysis Evaluation (COAE-2009), China, Pages 134-143, The Professional Committee of Information Retrieval, China, 2009.


COAE2009 has five tasks and we take part in Task 3, 4 and 5. Task3 is designed for identification of the opinioned sentence; Task4 is designed for topic identification based on the sentences from Task3 and makes the polarity classification; Task5 is about opinion retrieval plus the sentiment polarity analysis. This paper will present our methods in the three tasks and finally draw our conclusion and present our future work.