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Facade Maps - Continuous Interaction with Media Facades Using Cartographic Map Projections

Sven Gehring; Antonio Krüger
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Ubiquituous Computing. International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp-12), 14th, September 5-8, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, ACM, 2012.


The increasing number of media facades is a prominent example of the digital augmentation of urban spaces. Many media facades cover most of the outer shell of a building and come with a 3D form factor. They offer great potential for remote interaction in which the interactive area goes beyond the parts of the facade that are visible from the user's current perspective. Common interaction techniques often focus on a fixed part of the media facade. This restricts exploiting the full capabilities and the potential of such gigantic screens. In this paper we describe how to apply cartographic map projections to create 2D map representations of media facades to address this problem. We describe how a continuous interaction with the media facade is possible, independent of the form factor. We analyze existing media facades and provide a set of guidelines for how to create facade maps for different form factors.
