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Zeige Ergebnisse 41 bis 50 von 370
  1. Paul Lukowicz; Andreas Timm-Giel; Michael Lawo; Otthein Herzog

    WearIT@work: Toward Real-World Industrial Wearable Computing

    In: IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 6, No. 4, Pages 8-13, IEEE Educational Activities Department, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2007.

  2. Mathias Stäger; Paul Lukowicz; Gerhard Tröster

    Power and accuracy trade-offs in sound-based context recognition systems

    In: Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol. 3, No. 3, Pages 300-327, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands, 2007.

  3. Marc Schröder; Anton Batliner; Christophe d`Allessandro (Hrsg.)

    ParaLing 07 - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Paralinguistic Speech - between Models and Data

    DFKI, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 07-02, 2007.

  4. John Bateman; Stefano Borgo; Klaus Lüttich; Claudio Masolo; Till Mossakowski

    Ontological Modularity and Spatial Diversity

    In: Spatial Cognition & Computation - An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, Pages 97-128, Taylor & Francis, 2007.

  5. Anthony Jameson; Angela Mahr; Michael Kruppa; Andreas Rieger; Robert Schleicher

    Looking for Unexpected Consequences of Interface Design Decisions: The MeMo Workbench

    In: Marco Winckler; Hilary Johnson; Philippe Palanque (Hrsg.). 6th International workshop on TAsk MOdels and DIAgrams. International Workshop on Task …

  6. Antonio Krüger; Jörg Baus; Dominikus Heckmann; Michael Kruppa; Rainer Wasinger

    Adaptive Mobile Guides

    In: P. Brusilovsky; A. Kobsa; W. Nejdl. The Adaptive Web. Pages 521-549, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 4321, ISBN 978-3-540-72078-2, …

  7. Antonio Krüger; Michael Kruppa

    Integration between mobile and stationary devices

    In: Oliviero Stock; Massimo Zancanaro (Hrsg.). PEACH - Intelligent Interfaces for Museum Visits. Intelligent Interfaces for Museum Visits. Chapter …

  8. Oliviero Stock; Massimo Zancanaro; Paulo Busetta; Charles Callaway; Antonio Krüger; Michael Kruppa; Tsvi Kuflik; Elena Not; Cesare Rocchi

    Adaptive, Intelligent Presentation of Information for the Museum Visitor in PEACH

    In: Alfred Kobsa (Hrsg.). User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research, Vol. 17, No. 3, Pages 257-304, …

  9. Ralf Jung; Tim Schwartz

    Peripheral Notification With Customized Embedded Audio Cues

    In: William L. Martens (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Auditory Display. International Conference on Auditory Display …