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Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 10 von 541.
  1. Gernot Bahle; Adrian Calma; Jan Marco Leimeister; Paul Lukowicz; Sarah Oeste-Reiß; Tobias Reitmaier; Albrecht Schmidt; Bernhard Sick; Gerd Stumme; Katharina Anna

    Lifelong Learning and Collaboration of Smart Technical Systems in Open-Ended Environments--Opportunistic Collaborative Interactive Learning

    In: IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing. IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC-2016), IEEE, 2016.

  2. Digital Co-Creation and Augmented Learning

    In: Proceedings KMO 2016. International Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference, located at Proceedings of the The 11th International Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference on The Changing Face of Knowledge Management Impacting Society, Hagen, Germany, ISBN 9781450340649, Association for Computing Machinery, 7/2016.

  3. Brennan Nunamaker; Syed Saqib Bukhari; Damian Borth; Andreas Dengel

    A Tesseract-Based OCR Framework For Historical Documents Lacking Ground- Truth Text

    In: International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP’16, USA, 2016. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP-2016), September 25-28, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, IEEE, 2016.

  4. Detlef Zühlke; Frieder Loch; Fabian Quint

    Wie die Digitalisierung Produktion verändert

    In: Margret Suckale. Chemie Digital Arbeitswelt 4.0. Pages 249-265, ISBN 978-3-95601-173-3, Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch, 2016.

  5. Detlef Zühlke; Dominic Gorecky

    Case Study: A catalyst for smart manufacturing with Germany’s SmartFactory

    Control Design for Machine Builders, 5/2016.

  6. Dennis Kolberg; Christoph Berger; Bogdan Constantin Pîrvu; Marco Franke; Joachim Michniewicz

    CyProF - Insights from a Framework for Designing Cyber-Physical Systems in Production Environments

    In: Engelbert Westkämper; Thomas Bauernhansl (Hrsg.). Procedia CIRP, Vol. 57 - Factories of the Future in the digital environment - Proceedings of the 49th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Pages 32-37, Elsevier B.V. 2016.

  7. Sarah Elkasrawi; Hussein Elwy; Stephan Baumann; Christian Reuschling; Andreas Dengel

    Prediction of Social Trends Using Nearest Neighbors Time Series Matching and Semantic Similarity.

    In: Petra Perner (Hrsg.). Advances in Data Mining - 16th Industrial Conference, ICDM 2016 - Poster Proceedings. Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-2016), July 13-17, New York, NY, USA, Pages 87-93, ISBN 978-3-942952-42-2, ibai-publishing, Fockendorf, Germany, 2016.

  8. Kathleen Schwarz; Maurice Rekrut; Judith Bauer

    Ergebnisauswertung der Abschlussinterviews mit den MOBIA-Kunden

    In: Daniel Bieber; Kathleen Schwarz. Mobilität für Ältere. Dienstleistungen für den ÖPNV im demografischen Wandel. Chapter 10, Pages 221-236, ISBN 978-3-935084-36-9, iso-Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2016.