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  1. Markus Junker; Andreas Abecker; Andreas Dengel

    Text Categorization using Learned Document Features

    In: H. Bunke; A. Kandel (Hrsg.). Hybrid Methods in Pattern Recognition. Pages 301-324, World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc. 2002.

  2. Andreas Dengel; M. Junker

    Implementierung eines kollaborativen Unternehmensgedächtnis via Text Mining

    In: U. Hanning (Hrsg.). Management und Business Intelligence. Pages 149-160, Springer Verlag, 2002.

  3. Thierry Declerck

    A set of tools for integrating linguistic and non-linguistic information

    In: Proceedings of SAAKM (ECAI Workshop). European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2002.

  4. Stephan Oepen; Emily M. Bender; Ulrich Callmeier; Daniel Flickinger; Melanie Siegel

    Parallel Distributed Grammar Engineering for Practical Applications.

    In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Grammar Engineering and Evaluation. Post-Conference Workshop. International Conference on Computational Linguistics …

  5. Oleg Rostanin; Bernd Tschiedel; Bernhard Thalheim

    Szenario-basiertes e-Learning für adaptive Inhaltspräsentation

    In: W. Wittig; K.-P. Jandtke; J. Herrmann (Hrsg.). Proceedings LIT 2002. Leipziger Informatiktage (LIT), Pages 330-338, Infix Publishers, 2002.

  6. Anette Frank; Annie Zaenen

    Tense in LFG: Syntax and Morphology

    In: Hans Kamp; Uwe Reyle (Hrsg.). How we say WHEN it happens. Contributions to the theory of temporal reference in natural language. Pages 17-51, …

  7. Markus Becker; Anette Frank

    A Stochastic Topological Parser of German

    In: Proceedings of COLING 2002. International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China, Pages 71-77, 2002.

  8. Anette Frank

    A (Discourse) Functional Analysis of Asymmetric Coordination

    In: Miriam Butt; Tracy Holloway King (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the LFG 2002 Conference. International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG), …

  9. Mark-Jan Nederhof

    Alignment of resources on Egyptian texts based on XML

    In: Proceedings of the 14th Table Ronde Informatique et Égyptologie. Table Ronde Informatique et Égyptologie, Pisa, Italy, 2002.