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Zeige Ergebnisse 61 bis 70 von 599
  1. Jan-Philipp Exner; Michelle Krämer; Dirk Werth; Andreas Eitel; Jochen Britz; Boris Brandherm

    Integrated Data and Service Platforms for Smart Energy Networks as a Key Component for Smart Cities

    In: Osvaldo Gervasi; Beniamino Murgante; Sanjay Misra; Chiara Garau; Ivan Blečić; David Taniar; Bernady O. Apduhan; Ana Maria A. C. Rocha; Eufemia …

  2. Ralf Klamma; Peter de Lange; Alexander Tobias Neumann; Benedikt Hensen; Milos Kravcik; Xia Wang; Jakub Kuzilek

    Scaling Mentoring Support with Distributed Artificial Intelligence

    In: Vivekanandan Kumar; Christos Troussas (Hrsg.). Intelligent Tutoring Systems. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS-2020), …

  3. Online Reconfiguration of Distributed Robot Control Systems for Modular Robot Behavior Implementation

    In: Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (JIRS), Vol. 100, No. 3, Pages 1283-1308, Springer Publishing, 12/2020.

  4. Vladimir Herdt; Daniel Große; Rolf Drechsler

    RVX - A Tool for Concolic Testing of Embedded Binaries Targeting RISC-V Platforms

    In: 18ᵗʰ International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis. International Symposium on Automated Technology for …

  5. Behrouz Derakhshan; Alireza Rezaei Mahdiraji; Ziawasch Abedjan; Tilmann Rabl; Volker Markl

    Optimizing Machine Learning Workloads in Collaborative Environments

    In: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data …

  6. [Poster] The PUF Commitment: SRAM-based Trust Anchors for the IIoT

    Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited Reading, 6/2020.

  7. Georg Rehm; Peter Bourgonje

    Towards the Naive Classification of Rhetorical Relations at Scale

    In: Debopam Das (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Workshop Explicit and implicit coherence relations: Different, but how exactly?. Explicit and implicit …

  8. Nico Herbig; Santanu Pal; Tim Düwel; Kalliopi Meladaki; Mahsa Monshizadeh; Vladislav Hnatovskiy; Antonio Krüger; Josef van Genabith

    MMPE: A Multi-Modal Interface using Handwriting, Touch Reordering, and Speech Commands for Post-Editing Machine Translation

    In: Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations. Annual Meeting of the Association …

  9. Nico Herbig; Tim Düwel; Santanu Pal; Kalliopi Meladaki; Mahsa Monshizadeh; Antonio Krüger; Josef van Genabith

    MMPE: A Multi-Modal Interface for Post-Editing Machine Translation

    In: Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …

  10. Observations on Annotations

    In: Julia Nantke; Frederik Schlupkothen (Hrsg.). Annotations in Scholarly Edition and Research. Functions, Differentiation, Systematization. Pages …