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Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 10 von 102.
  1. Klaus-Dieter Althoff; Ralph Bergmann; Stefan Wess; Michel Manago; Eric Auriol; Oleg I. Larichev; Alexander Bolotov; Yurii I. Zhuravlev; Serge I. Gurov

    Case-based reasoning for medical decision support tasks: The Inreca approach

    In: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM), Vol. 12, Pages 25-41, Elsevier, 1998.

  2. Frank Bomarius; Klaus-Dieter Althoff; Wolfgang Müller

    Knowledge Management for Learning Software Organizations

    In: Software Process: Improvement and Practice (SPIP), Vol. 4, No. 2, Pages 89-93, John Wiley and Sons, 6/1998.

  3. Wolfgang Maaß; D. Schmauks

    MOSES: an example for the modelling of spatial services by means of route description system

    In: Zeitschrift für Semiotik, Vol. 20, No. 1/2, Pages 105-118, Stauffenburg, 1998.

  4. Towards Multilingual Protocol Generation for Spontaneous Speech Dialogue

    In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Natural Language Generation 1998. International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG-98), August 5-7, Niagara On The Lake, Canada, 8/1998.

  5. Feiyu Xu; Markus Egg; Joachim Niehren; Peter Ruhrberg

    Constraints over Lambda-Structures in Semantic Underspecification

    In: 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98), August 10-14. International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), Pages 353-359, Vol. 1, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1998.

  6. Hans Uszkoreit; Stephan Oepen; Wojciech Skut; Thorsten Brants; Denys Duchier; Brigitte Krenn; Lars Konieczny

    Studien zur performanzorientierten Linguistik: Aspekte der Relativsatzextraposition im Deutschen

    In: Kognitionswissenschaft, Vol. 7, No. 3, Pages 129-133, 1998.

  7. Hans Uszkoreit; Annie Zaenen


    In: Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology. Page 95, Studies in Natural Language Processing, Cambridge University Press, 1998.

  8. Cross-Language Information Retrieval: From Naive Concepts to Realistic Applications

    In: Proceedings of the 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14). Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval, December 7-8. Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT), Pages 1-7, 1998.

  9. Wojciech Skut; Hans Uszkoreit; Brigitte Krenn; Thorsten Brants

    Recent Advances in Corpus Annotation

    In: Proceedings of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'98). Workshop on Automated Acquisition of Syntax and Parsing, August 17-28. European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), 1998.

  10. Wojciech Skut; Hans Uszkoreit; Thorsten Brants; Brigitte Krenn

    A Linguistically Interpreted Corpus of German Newspaper Text

    In: Proceedings of the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI'98). Workshop on Recent Advances in Corpus Annotation, August 17-28. European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), 1998.