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  1. Syed Saqib Bukhari; Faisal Shafait; Thomas Breuel

    Improved Document Image Segmentation Algorithm using Multiresolution Morphology

    In: Document Recognition and Retrieval XVIII, SPIE 2011. SPIE Conference on Document Recognition and Retrieval (DRR-2011), January 23-27, San …

  2. Faisal Shafait; M. P. Cutter; J. V. Beusekom; Syed Saqib Bukhari; Thomas Breuel

    Decapod: A flexible, low cost digitization solution for small and medium archives

    In: 4th International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition. International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and …

  3. Syed Saqib Bukhari; Faisal Shafait; Thomas Breuel

    The IUPR Dataset of Camera-Captured Document Images

    In: 4th International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition. International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and …

  4. Syed Saqib Bukhari; Faisal Shafait; Thomas Breuel

    Border Noise Removal of Camera-Captured Document Images using Page-Frame Detection

    In: 4th International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition. International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and …

  5. Syed Saqib Bukhari; Faisal Shafait; Thomas Breuel

    An Image Based Performance Evaluation Method for Page Dewarping Algorithms using SIFT Features

    In: 4th International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition. International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and …

  6. Syed Saqib Bukhari; Faisal Shafait; Thomas Breuel

    High Performance Lay- out Analysis of Arabic and Urdu Scripts Document Image

    In: 11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR-2011), …

  7. Syed Saqib Bukhari; Faisal Shafait; Thomas Breuel

    Text-Line Extraction using a Convolution of Isotropic Gaussian Filter with a Set of Line Filter

    In: 11th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR-2011), …

  8. F. Metze; Tim Polzehl; Alan Black

    A Review of Personality in Voice-Based Man Machine Interaction

    In: Julie A. Jacko (Hrsg.). Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Techniques and Environments - 14th International Conference, HCI International …

  9. Modeling Speaker Personality using Voice

    In: Proc. 12th Ann. Conf. of the Int. Speech Communication Assoc. (Interspeech 2011). Conference in the Annual Series of Interspeech Events …

  10. Tim Polzehl; A. Schmitt; F. Metze; M. Wagner

    Anger Recognition in Speech Using Acoustic and Linguistic Cues

    In: Bjorn Schuller; Stefan Steidl; Anton Batliner (Hrsg.). Speech Communication, Vol. 53 - Special Issue: Sensing Emotion and Affect - Facing Realism …