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Zeige Ergebnisse 21 bis 30 von 504.
  1. Christina Di Valentin; Julia Hegmans; Andreas Emrich; Dirk Werth; Peter Loos

    Conceptual design of a tool for personalized and context-based learning on the job

    In: Sabine Graf; Charalampos Karagiannidis (Hrsg.). Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology (IEEE TCLT Bulletin), Vol. 15 - Special theme: E-Learning in the Workplace, No. 3, Pages 1-4, IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology, 10/2013.

  2. Gernot Bahle; Paul Lukowicz; K. Kunze; K. Kise

    I see you: How to improve wearable activity recognition by leveraging information from environmental cameras

    In: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PERCOM Workshops). IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom-13), March 18-22, San Diego, CA, USA, Pages 409-412, IEEE, 4/2013.

  3. Hans Uszkoreit; Feiyu Xu

    From Strings to Things SAR-Graphs: A New Type of Resource for Connecting Knowledge and Language

    In: Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on NLP and DBpedia. International Workshop on NLP and DBpedia (NLP & DBpedia-2013), 1st, located at ISWC 2013, October 21-25, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Vol. 1064, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 10/2013.

  4. Marc Gräßle; Dirk Werth; Peter Loos

    A multi-criteria Recommender System for Tag Annotation

    In: Bebo White; Pedro Isaías (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2013. IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet (WWW/I-2013), October 22-25, Fort Worth, TX, USA, IADIS, 2013.

  5. Yohannes Kassahun; Bingbin Yu; Abraham Temesgen Tibebu; Emmanuel Vander Poorten

    Novelty Detection in Catheter-Aorta Interaction

    In: Co-SuR 2013 - Workshop on Cognitive Surgical Robotics: From Virtual Fixtures to Advanced Cooperative Control. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2013), Workshop on Cognitive Surgical Robotics: From Virtual Fixtures to Advanced Cooperative Control, November 7-13, Tokyo, Japan, 11/2013.

  6. Venet Osmani; Alban Maxhuni; Agnes Grünerbl; Paul Lukowicz; Christian Haring; Oscar Mayora

    Monitoring activity of patients with bipolar disorder using smart phones

    In: ACM Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia. Advances in Mobile Computing & Mulitmedia (MoMM-2013), December 2-4, Wien, Austria, 12/2013.

  7. Franz Gravenhorst; Amir Muaremi; Agnes Grünerbl; Bert Arnrich; Gerhard Tröster

    Towards a Mobile Galvanic Skin Response Measurement System for Mental Disordered Patients

    In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Body Area Networks (Bodynets). International Conference on Body Area Networks (Bodynets-2013), September 30 - October 2, Boston, MA, USA, 2013.

  8. Oscar Mayora; Bert Arnrich; Jakob Bardram; Carsten Dräger; Andrea Finke; Mads Frost; Silvia Giordano; Franz Gravenhorst; Agnes Grünerbl; Christian Haring; Reinhold Haux; Paul Lukowicz; Amir Muaremi; Steven Mudda; Stefan Öhler; Alessandro Puiatti; Nina Reichwaldt; Corinna Scharnweber; Gerhard Tröster; Lars Vedel Kessing; Gabriel Wurzer

    Personal Health Systems for Bipolar Disorder

    In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health (MindCare). International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (Pervasive Health), 3rd, May 5, San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy, Pages 424-429, IEEE Xplore, 2013.

  9. David Aspinall; Ewen Denney; Christoph Lüth

    A Semantic Basis for Proof Queries and Transformations

    In: Kevin McMillan; Aart Middeldorp; Andrei Voronkov (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning. International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (LPAR-2013), 19th, December 14-19, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Pages 53-70, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8312, Springer, 2013.

  10. Thomas Röfer; Tim Laue; Judith Müller; Michel Bartsch; Arne Böckmann; Florian Maaß; Thomas Münder; Marcel Steinbeck; Simon Taddiken; Alexis Tsogias; Felix Wenk

    B-Human Team Description for RoboCup 2013

    In: Sven Behnke; Manuela Veloso; Arnoud Visser; Rong Xiong (Hrsg.). RoboCup 2013: Robot World Cup XVII Preproceedings. RoboCup International Symposium (RoboCup-2013), June 24 - July 1, Eindhoven, Netherlands, RoboCup Federation, 2013.