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Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 10 von 536.
  1. Daniel Fraunholz; Hans Dieter Schotten

    Strategic Defense and Attack in Deception Based Network Security

    In: Proceeding of the 32. International Conference on Information Networking. International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN-18), January 10-12, Chiang Mai, Thailand, IEEE, 2018.

  2. René Schuster; Oliver Wasenmüller; Georg Kuschk; Christian Bailer; Didier Stricker

    SceneFlowFields: Dense Interpolation of Sparse Scene Flow Correspondences

    In: Proceedings of IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) |. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV-18), March 12-14, Lake Tahoe, NV/CA, USA, IEEE, 2018.

  3. Milos Kravcik; Carsten Ullrich; Christoph Igel

    The Potential of the Internet of Things for Supporting Learning and Training in the Digital Age

    In: Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia; Gabriel Wittum; Andreas Dengel (Hrsg.). Positive Learning in the Age of Information - A blessing or a curse?. Pages 399-412, ISBN 978-3-658-19566-3, Springer VS, Wiesbaden, 1/2018.

  4. Daniel Fraunholz; Hans Dieter Schotten

    Defending Web Servers with Feints, Distraction and Obfuscation

    In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications. International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC-18), March 5-8, Maui, Hawaii, USA, IEEE, 2018.

  5. Daniel Kuehn; Alexander Dettmann; Frank Kirchner

    Analysis of Using an Active Artificial Spine in a Quadruped Robot

    In: 2018 4th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR). International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR-2018), April 20-23, Auckland, New Zealand, IEEE Xplore online, 4/2018.

  6. René Schuster; Christian Bailer; Oliver Wasenmüller; Didier Stricker

    Combining Stereo Disparity and Optical Flow for Basic Scene Flow

    In: Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium (CVT) 2018 |. Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium (CVT-18), March 13-15, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Springer, 2018.

  7. Event entry time prediction in financial business processes using machine learning: A use case from loan applications

    In: Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018 (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 3-6, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, Pages 1386-1394, ISBN 978-0-9981331-1-9, IEEE Computer Society, 2018.

  8. Jason Raphael Rambach; Alain Pagani; Michael Schneider; Oleksandr Artemenko; Didier Stricker

    6DoF Object Tracking based on 3D Scans for Augmented Reality Remote Live Support

    In: M. Carmen Juan (Hrsg.). Computers, Vol. 7, No. 1, Pages 1-22, MDPI, 2018.

  9. Daniel Fraunholz; Daniel Krohmer; Frederic Pohl; Hans Dieter Schotten

    On The Detection and Handling of Security Incidents and Perimeter Breaches - A Modular and Flexible Honeytoken based Framework

    In: Proceedings of the 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security. IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security (NTMS-2018), 9th, February 26-28, Paris, France, IEEE, 2018.

  10. Nils Przigoda; Philipp Niemann; Jonas Gomes Filho; Robert Wille; Rolf Drechsler

    Frame Conditions in the Automatic Validation and Verification of UML/OCL Models: A Symbolic Formulation of modifies only Statements

    In: Marjan Mernik (Hrsg.). Computer Languages, Systems & Structures (COMLAN), Elsevier, 2018.