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  1. Muhammad Afzal; M. Kraemer; Syed Saqib Bukhari; Faisal Shafait; Thomas Breuel

    Robust Binarization of Stereo and Monocular Document Images Using Percentile Filter

    In: 5th International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition, CBDAR 2013, Washungton, DC, USA, August 2013. International Workshop …

  2. Syed Saqib Bukhari; H. S. M. Al-Khaffaf; Faisal Shafait; M. A. Osma; A. Z. Talib; Thomas Breuel

    Final Report of GREC’13 Arc and Line Segmentation Contest

    In: 10th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition. IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC-2013), August 20-21, …

  3. Syed Saqib Bukhari; Faisal Shafait; Thomas Breuel

    Towards Generic Text-Line Extraction

    In: 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR’13, Washungton, DC, USA, August 2013. International Conference on …

  4. Syed Saqib Bukhari; Faisal Shafait; Thomas M. Breuel

    Coupled Snakelets for Curled Text-Line Segmentation from Warped Document Images

    In: International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), Vol. 16, Pages 33-53, Springer, 2013.

  5. Vinzenz Bargsten; Pablo Zometa; Rolf Findeisen

    Modeling, parameter identification and model-based control of a lightweight robotic manipulator

    In: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA-2013), August 28-30, …

  6. Thomas Röfer; Tim Laue; Judith Müller; Michel Bartsch; Malte Jonas Batram; Arne Böckmann; Martin Böschen; Martin Kroker; Florian Maaß; Thomas Münder; Marcel Steinbeck; Andreas Stolpmann; Simon Taddiken; Alexis Tsogias; Felix Wenk

    B-Human Team Report and Code Release 2013


  7. MMIR Framework: Multimodal Mobile Interaction and Rendering

    In: Matthias Horbach (Hrsg.). INFORMATIK 2013: Informatik angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt. Workshop Modellbasierte Entwicklung von …

  8. Aaron Ruß; Michael Kaisser

    Exploratory Search on Social Media

    In: Pavel Serdyukov; Pavel Braslavski; Sergei O. Kuznetsov; Jaap Kamps; Stefan Rüger; Eugene Agichtein; Ilya Segalovich; Emine Yilmaz (Hrsg.). …

  9. Roland Schregle; Cornelia Denk; Philipp Slusallek; Mashuda Glencross

    Grand Challenges: Material Models in Automotive

    In: H. Rushmeier; R. Klein (Hrsg.). Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR-2013), Issues and …

  10. Stefan Popov; Iliyan Georgiev; Philipp Slusallek; Carsten Dachsbacher

    Adaptive Quantization Visibility Caching

    In: I. Navazo; P. Poulin (Hrsg.). Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 32, No. 2, Pages 399-408, The Eurographics Association , 5/2013.