In: Emre Kiciman; Nicole B. Ellison; Bernie Hogan; Paul Resnick; Ian Soboroff (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM-2013), July 8-11, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, The AAAI Press, 2013.
In: Cheng Soon Ong; Tu Bao Ho (Hrsg.). Asian Conference on Machine Learning, ACML 2013. Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML-2013), November 13-15, Canberra, Australia, Pages 357-372, JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings, Vol. 29,, 2013.
Sriraam Natarajan; Jose Picado; Tushar Khot; Kristian Kersting; Christopher Ré; Jude W. Shavlik
In: Christopher J. C. Burges; Léon Bottou; Zoubin Ghahramani; Kilian Q. Weinberger (Hrsg.). Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26: 27th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2013. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS-2013), December 5-8, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, Pages 2616-2624, Curran Associates, Inc. 2013.