In: Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking for the Era of Artificial Intelligence - 10th TPC Technology Conference. Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking (TPCTC-2018), August 27-31, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Pages 24-41, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 11135, Spinger, 2018.
In: Dirk Holz; Katie Genter; Maarouf Saad; Oskar von Stryk (Hrsg.). RoboCup 2018: Robot World Cup XXII Preproceedings. RoboCup International Symposium (RoboCup-2018), RoboCup Federation, 2018.
Thomas Röfer; Tim Laue; Arne Hasselbring; Jannik Heyen; Bernd Poppinga; Philip Reichenberg; Enno Roehrig; Felix Thielke
In: International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2018), SCITEPRESS, 2018.
Martin P. Strzys; Sebastian Kapp; Michael Thees; Pascal Klein; Paul Lukowicz; Pascal Knierim; Albrecht Schmidt; Jochen Kuhn