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Zeige Ergebnisse 31 bis 40 von 578.
  1. Jan Alexandersson; Dimitra Anastasiou; Cui Jian; Ani Nenkova; Rupal Patel; Frank Rudzicz; Annalu Waller; Desislava Zhekova

    Fifth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies - Proceedings of the Workshop

    In: Fifth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies. Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT), 5th, June 26, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, ISBN 978-1-941643-04-4, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 2014.

  2. Jochen Frey; Christian Neurohr; Jochen Britz; Boris Brandherm

    EvA - A Self Adaptable Event-based Recognition Framework for Three-Dimensional Activity Zones

    In: Intelligent Environments (IE), 2014 International Conference on. International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE-14), June 30 - July 4, Shanghai, China, Pages 87-94, IEEE, 2014.

  3. Bridging the Gap between Smart Home and Agents

    In: J.C. Augusto; T. Zhang (Hrsg.). Workshop Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Environments. International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE-14), July 2-4, Shanghai, China, Pages 31-38, ISBN 978-1-4799-2947-4, IEEE, 6/2014.

  4. Christian Bürckert

    Echtzeitentscheidungen durch Trajektoriensimulation in Dual Reality

    Mastersthesis, Universität des Saarlandes, 6/2014.

  5. David Enke; Nijat Mehdiyev

    A Hybrid Neuro-fuzzy Model to Forecast Inflation

    In: Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 6, Pages 254-260, Elsevier, 2014.

  6. Nijat Mehdiyev; David Enke

    Interest rate prediction: a neuro-hybrid approach with data preprocessing

    In: International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 43, No. 5, Pages 535-550, Taylor and Francis, 2014.

  7. Paolo Pedrazzoli; Donatella Corti; Marco Dal Lago; Jan Willem Gunnink; Petra Lugtenburg; Jacopo Cassina; Stephan Weyer; Dominic Gorecky; Dimitris Mourtzis; Michael Doukas; Marco Taisch

    European Research Roadmap: Pointing out research priorities leading to the next generation of simulation and forecasting technologies

    European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration, Pages 1-105, European Factories of the Future Research Association, Brüssel, 11/2014.

  8. Harald Weber; Fabian Quint; Frank Eierdanz; Nicole Ottersböck; Dominic Gorecky

    Nutzerzentrierte Gestaltung von mobilen, kontext-sensitiven Assistenzsystemen für einen vereinfachten Wissensaustausch in komplexen Produktionsszenarien

    In: VDI Wissensforum GmbH (Hrsg.). 7. VDI/VDE Fachtagung. VDI-Fachtagung Nutzergerechte Gestaltung technischer Systeme (USEWARE-14), Smarte Technologien für intelligente Nutzer, November 28-29, Heilbronn, Germany, Page 11, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2014.

  9. Attila Reiss

    Personalized Mobile Physical Activity Monitoring for Everyday Life

    PhD-Thesis, Technical University of Kaiserslautern, 2014.

  10. Klaus-Dieter Thoben; Marius Veigt; Dennis Lappe; Marco Franke; Mirko Kück; Dennis Kolberg; Isabel Fahl; Roland Zimmerling; Jochen Schlick; Peter Stephan; Philipp Guth

    Towards Networking Logistics Resources to enable a Demand-Driven Material Supply for Lean Production Systems - Basic Concept and Potential of a Cyber-Physical Logistics System

    In: 7. International Scientific Symposium on Logistics. International Scientific Symposium on Logistics (ISSl-07), June 4-5, Köln, Germany, Pages 42-69, BVL International, 2014.