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Kognitive Assistenzsysteme


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  1. Elsa Andrea Kirchner; Niels Will; Marc Simnofske; Luis Manuel Vaca Benitez; José de Gea Fernández; Peter Kampmann; Frank Kirchner

    Exoskelette und künstliche Intelligenz in der klinischen Rehabilitation

    In: Mario A. Pfannstiel; Patrick Da-Cruz; Harald Mehlich (Hrsg.). Digitale Transformation von Dienstleistungen im Gesundheitswesen V. Chapter 21, …

  2. Shivesh Kumar; Hendrik Wöhrle; Mathias Trampler; Marc Simnofske; Heiner Peters; Martin Mallwitz; Elsa Andrea Kirchner; Frank Kirchner

    Modular Design and Decentralized Control of the Recupera Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation

    In: Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 4 (626), Pages 1-23, MDPI, 2/2019.

  3. Shivesh Kumar; Bertold Bongardt; Marc Simnofske; Frank Kirchner

    Design and Kinematic Analysis of the Novel Almost Spherical Parallel Mechanism Active Ankle

    In: Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (JIRS), Vol. 94, No. 2, Pages 303-325, Springer Nature, 3/2018.

  4. Heiner Peters; Peter Kampmann; Marc Simnofske

    Konstruktion eines zweibeinigen humanoiden Roboters

    In: Proceedings of the 2. VDI Fachkonferenz Humanoide Roboter. VDI Fachkonferenz Humanoide Roboter, December 5-6, München, Germany, VDI Fachkonferenz …

  5. Shivesh Kumar; Marc Simnofske; Bertold Bongardt; Andreas Mueller; Frank Kirchner

    Integrating Mimic Joints into Dynamics Algorithms – Exemplified by the Hybrid Recupera Exoskeleton

    In: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Advances In Robotics. Advances in Robotics (AIR-2017), 3rd International Conference of Robotics Society of …

  6. Elsa Andrea Kirchner; Niels Will; Marc Simnofske; Luis Manuel Vaca Benitez; Bertold Bongardt; Mario Michael Krell; Shivesh Kumar; Martin Mallwitz; Anett Seeland; Marc Tabie; Hendrik Wöhrle; Mehmed Yüksel; Anke Heß; Rüdiger Buschfort; Frank Kirchner

    Recupera-Reha: Exoskeleton Technology with Integrated Biosignal Analysis for Sensorimotor Rehabilitation

    In: 2. Transdisziplinäre Konferenz "Technische Unterstützungssysteme, die die Menschen wirklich wollen". Transdisziplinäre Konferenz "Technische …

  7. Shivesh Kumar; Bertold Bongardt; Marc Simnofske; Frank Kirchner

    Task space controller for the novel Active Ankle mechanism

    In: International Conference on Robotics and Automation for Humanitarian Applications. International Conference on Robotics and Automation for …

  8. Marc Manz; Sebastian Bartsch; Marc Simnofske; Frank Kirchner

    Development of a Self-Adaptive Gripper and Implementation of a Gripping Reflex to Increase the Dynamic Payload Capacity

    In: In Proceedings of ISR 2016. International Symposium on Robotics (ISR-2016), June 21-22, München, Germany, Pages 56-62, ISBN 978-3-8007-4231-8, VDE …

  9. Marc Simnofske; Shivesh Kumar; Bertold Bongardt; Frank Kirchner

    Active Ankle - an Almost-Spherical Parallel Mechanism

    In: 47th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2016). International Symposium on Robotics (ISR), June 21-22, Munich, Germany, Pages 37-42, VDE …

  10. Sebastian Bartsch; Marc Manz; Peter Kampmann; Alexander Dettmann; Hendrik Hanff; Malte Langosz; Kai von Szadkowski; Jens Hilljegerdes; Marc Simnofske; Philipp Kloss; Manuel Meder; Frank Kirchner

    Development and Control of the Multi-Legged Robot Mantis

    In: Proceedings of ISR 2016: 47st International Symposium on Robotics. International Symposium on Robotics (ISR-2016), June 21-22, München, Germany, …


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