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Sprachtechnologie und Multilingualität


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  1. Rajen Chatterjee; M. Amin Farajian; Matteo Negri; Marco Turchi; Ankit Srivastava; Santanu Pal

    Multi-source Neural Automatic Post-Editing: FBK's participation in the WMT 2017 APE shared task

    In: Second Conference on Machine Translation - Proceedings. Conference on Machine Translation (WMT-2017), September 7-8, Copenhagen, Denmark, Pages …

  2. Rumour Detection and Classification Using Cascading Heuristics

    In: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation. International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017), August 3-4, …

  3. Vivien Macketanz; Eleftherios Avramidis; Aljoscha Burchardt; Jindrich Helcl; Ankit Srivastava

    Machine Translation: Phrase-Based, Rule-Based and Neural Approaches with Linguistic Evaluation

    In: Cybernetics and Information Technologies (cait), Vol. 17, No. 2, Pages 28-43, De Gruyter, 6/2017.

  4. Ankit Srivastava; Georg Rehm; Felix Sasaki

    Improving Machine Translation through Linked Data

    In: Ondřej Bojar; Alexander M. Fraser; Lucia Specia; Mikel L. Forcada (Hrsg.). The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics (PBML), Vol. 108, Pages …

  5. Georg Rehm; Julian Moreno Schneider; Peter Bourgonje; Ankit Srivastava; Jan Nehring; Armin Berger; Luca König; Sören Räuchle; Jens Gerth

    Event Detection and Semantic Storytelling: Generating a Travelogue from a large Collection of Personal Letters.

    In: Tommaso Caselli; Ben Miller; Tommaso Caselli; Ben Miller; Marieke van Erp; Piek Vossen; Martha Palmer; Eduard Hovy; Teruko Mitamura (Hrsg.). …

  6. Ankit Srivastava; Sabine Weber; Peter Bourgonje; Georg Rehm

    Different German and English Coreference Resolution Models for Multi-Domain Content Curation Scenarios

    In: Georg Rehm; Thierry Declerck (Hrsg.). Language Technologies for the Challenges of the Digital Age: Proceedings of the GSCL Conference 2017. …

  7. Julian Moreno Schneider; Ankit Srivastava; Peter Bourgonje; David Wabnitz; Georg Rehm

    Semantic Storytelling, Cross-lingual Event Detection and other Semantic Services for a Newsroom Content Curation Dashboard

    In: Octavian Popescu; Carlo Strapparava (Hrsg.). Proceedings of Natural Language Processing meets Journalism. Conference on Empirical Methods in …

  8. Ankit Srivastava; Felix Sasaki; Peter Bourgonje; Julian Moreno Schneider; Jan Nehring; Georg Rehm

    How to Configure Statistical Machine Translation with Linked Open Data Resources

    In: Translating and the Computer 38 - Proceedings. Translating and the Computer Conference (TC-38), November 17-18, One Birdcage Walk, London, United …

  9. DFKI's system for WMT16 IT-domain task, including analysis of systematic errors

    In: Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation. Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT-16), located at The 54th Annual …

  10. Julian Moreno Schneider; Peter Bourgonje; Jan Nehring; Georg Rehm; Felix Sasaki; Ankit Srivastava

    Towards Semantic Story Telling with Digital Curation Technologies

    In: Larry Birnbaum; Octavian Popescuk; Carlo Strapparava (Hrsg.). Proceedings of Natural Language Processing meets Journalism. International Joint …


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