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DFKI Sprachtechnologie© DFKI, Berlin

Speech and Language Technology


Seite 32 von 33.

  1. TAMIC - Transparent Access to Multiple Information for the Citizen

    TAMIC is a pilot project funded by the European Community to investigate the feasibility of NL access to heterogeneous information systems. The main …

  2. COSMA - Automatisierte Terminabsprache mit elektronischer Post

    Die Planung von Geschäftsterminen mit mehreren Partnern kann leicht zu einem zeitraubenden und kostenintensiven Vorgang werden: Bis alle Partner einem …

  3. PARADICE - Parameterizable NL Discourse Core Engine

    The project PARADICE will construct a core engine for natural language processing which allows an easy configuration of the system relative to …

  4. RELATOR - Distributed European Linguistic Resource Repository

    RELATOR is a European-wide consortium of researchers who, with the support of the European Commission, are striving to establish a European repository …

  5. TSNLP - Test Suites for Natural Language Processing

    There is a growing awareness within the natural language (NL) community of the need for adequate assessment and evaluation methods and techniques for …

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Deutsches Forschungszentrum für
Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Speech and Language Technology Lab
Alt-Moabit 91c
10559 Berlin