Implementation Techniques for Geometric Branch-and-Bound Matching Methods
Thomas Breuel
In: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Accepted for publication in it Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 90, No. 3, Pages 258-294, Elsevier, 6/2003.
Algorithms for geometric matching and feature extraction that work by recursively sub-dividing transformation space and bounding the quality of match have been proposed in a number of different contexts and become increasingly popular over the last few years. This paper describes matchlist-based branch-and-bound techniques and presents a number of new applications of branch-and-bound methods, among them, a method for globally optimal partial line segment matching under bounded or Gaussian error, point match-ing under a Gaussian error model with subpixel accuracy and precise orientation models, and a simple and robust technique for finding multiple distinct object instances. It also contains extensive reference information for the implementation of such matching meth-ods under a wide variety of error bounds and transformations. In addition, the paper contains a number of benchmarks and evaluations that provide new information about the runtime behavior of branch-and-bound matching algorithms in general, and that help choose among different implementation strategies, such as the use of point location data structures and space/time tradeoffs involving depth-first search.