COMPASS2008: Multimodal, multilingual and crosslingual interaction for mobile tourist guide applications
Ihlan Aslan; Feiyu Xu; Hans Uszkoreit; Antonio Krüger; Jörg Steffen
In: Proceedings of intelligent Technologies for interactive Entertainment (Intetain). Conference on INtelligent TEchnologies for interactive enterTAINment (INTETAIN), 2005.
COMPASS2008 is a general service platform developed to be utilized as the tourist and city explorers assistant within the information services for the Beijing Olympic Games 2008. The main goals of COMPASS2008 are to help foreigners to overcome language barriers in Beijing and assist them in finding information anywhere and anytime they need it. Novel strategies have been developed to exploit the interaction of multimodality, multilinguality and cross-linguality for intelligent information service access and information presentation via mobile devices.