Multimodal Dialog in a Pedestrian Navigation System
Christian Müller
In: Proceedings of ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Multi-Modal Dialogue in Mobile Environments. ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Multi-Modal Dialogue in Mobile Environments, June 17-21, Kloster Irsee, Germany, Pages 42-44, 2002.
This paper describes the outlines of a multimodal interface to a mobile pedestrian
navigation system. First it provides a short description of the system REAL
that consists of an indoor component (IRREAL) and an outdoor component (ARREAL).
Currently the interaction of both is limited to unimodality (manual input
and graphical output). The remainder of the paper describes an approach on how
to obtain a multimodal interface. On the input side we use a combination of
pen and voice. On the output side the graphical path descriptions are augmented
by synthesized speech. When planning the multimodal dialog we discriminate
between two different user groups: average aged adults and the elderly. Our investigations
are focused on how to optimize the system`s behaviour to the special
needs of these user groups. Finally, the paper briefly describes two approaches
that are investigated within this project: using speaker clustering techniques to
build up a user model and 3D audio spatialization as an additional navigation