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Decentralized User Modeling with UserML and GUMO

Dominikus Heckmann; Tim Schwartz; Boris Brandherm; Alexander Kröner
In: Peter Dolog; Julita Vassileva (Hrsg.). Proceedings of Decentralized, Agent Based and Social Approaches to User Modeling Workshop DASUM-05 at. Workshop on Decentralized, Agent Based and Social Approaches to User Modeling (DASUM-05), located at 9th International Conference on User Modelling (UM2005), July 25, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, Pages 61-66, 7/2005.


We present a new architecture for decentralized user modeling and briefly discuss the user model markup language USERML, the general user model ontology GUMO for the uniform interpretation of decentralized user models, and the integration of ubiquitous applications with the user model service. The motivation is that ubiquitous evaluation of user behavior with a variety of systems in the web or the physical world might lead to attractive new services.