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Zeige Ergebnisse 31 bis 40 von 102
  1. Hans Uszkoreit; Thorsten Brants; Denys Duchier; Brigitte Krenn; Lars Konieczny; Stephan Oepen; Wojciech Skut

    Studien zur performanzorientierten Linguistik. Aspekte der Relativsatzextraposition im Deutschen

    CLAUS-Report, Universität des Saarlandes, Vol. 99, 4/1998.

  2. W. G. ter Stal; J.-H. Beijert; G. de Bruin; J. van Gent; Franciska de Jong; W. Kraaij; Klaus Netter; G. Smart

    Twenty-One: Cross-Language Disclosure and Retrieval of Multimedia Documents on Sustainable Development

    In: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 30, No. 13, Pages 1237-1248, 1998.

  3. Melanie Siegel

    Japanese Particles in an HPSG Grammar

    Verbmobil Report, Universität des Saarlandes, Vol. 220, 1998.

  4. Stephan Oepen; Klaus Netter; Judith Klein

    TSNLP - Test Suites for Natural Language Processing

    In: John Nerbonne (Hrsg.). Linguistic Databases. Pages 13-36, CSLI Lecture Notes, Vol. 77, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 1998.

  5. Judith Klein; Sabine Lehmann; Klaus Netter; Tillmann Wegst

    DiET in the Context of MT Evaluation

    In: R. Nübel; U. Seewald-Heeg (Hrsg.). Evaluation of the Linguistic Performance of Machine Translation Systems. Proceedings of the KONVENS '98 …

  6. Tania Avgustinova

    On Word Order Types in Bulgarian

    In: Beiträge der Europäischen Slavistischen Linguistik (POLYSLAV 1). Pages 19-25, Die Welt der Slaven, 2. Sammelband, Vol. 1, Verlag Otto Sagner, …

  7. Tania Avgustinova; Bistra Andreeva

    Intonational Properties of Bulgarian Replicated Nominal Material. A Study Based on Map Task Dialogues

    In: Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Linguistic Theory in Eastern Europaen Languages. Conference on Linguistic Theory in Eastern European …

  8. Tania Avgustinova

    Determinedness and Replication Potential of Nominal Material in Bulgarian

    In: Balkanistica. Pages 1-17, Vol. 11, Design Systems Printing, 1998.

  9. Feiyu Xu

    Underspecified Treatment of Verb Phrase Ellipsis

    In: Proceedings of the ESSLLI '98 Student Session, August 17-28. European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), 1998.