I am a DFKI Research Fellow and principal researcher at DFKI. I have studied computer science, artificial intelligence, and computational linguistics at the Universities of Regensburg, Koblenz-Landau, and at the Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany. I obtained a Dr. rer. nat. degree in Computer Science in 1994, and the Venia Legendi in Computational Linguistics in 2004, both from the Saarland University. Since August 2014 I am an apl. Professor at the Department of Language Science and Technology of the Saarland University.
Projects and Activities
- Deep Learning
- Information Extraction
- Question Answering
Parts of our work on dense information retrieval is now integrated into the online service of idw-online ( Informationsdienst Wissenschaft/scientific information service) which is a news portal for up-to-date information from science and research. Our tools are used for recognizing document similarity and to support journalists in expert search.
Together with DAM - Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung (a service of the leading German marine research institutions in one alliance) we will also exploit our dense information retrieval technologies.