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The Uniform Architecture of Shieber


The first and most prominent attempt to specify a uniform architecture for parsing and generation has been made in [Shieber1988]. In particular, Shieber proposed an architecture inspired by the Earley deduction work of [Pereira and Warren1983] (which we will describe in section 4.1 in more detail) but which generalized that work allowing for its use in both a parsing and generation mode by instantiating only a small set of parameters. As shown in his work, the two basic inference rules of Earley deduction, namely prediction and completion can be used in the same way for parsing and generation. The advantage of using this kind of computational logic specifically for generation is that generation from grammars with recursions whose well-foundness relies on lexical information will terminate (e.g., lexicalized grammars like [Pollard and Sag1987], where only the verbal lexical entries carry subcategorization information). This is actually an improvement of simple top-down generation regimes like the one described in [Wedekind1988] or [Dymetman and Isabelle1988] which do not terminate in such cases. For these approaches the following rule will cause recursion problems, because the rule forces the subcategorization list SC to be expanded as long as a lexical entry that restricts the length of this list cannot be found, but the lexical entry will never be found as long as the recursion occurs:gif


The problem is that the rule does not specify any finite length of the subcategorization list. Thus, this rule causes the same termination problem for generation as the well-known left-recursion problem for parsing.gif Using an Earley style strategy, this problem can be solved, because lexical information is available immediately. However, the Earley style uniform approach described in [Shieber1988] has the following two major problems for generation:

The first issue is a consequence of the fact that Shieber defines the inference rules and the meaning of items strictly based on Earley's original work on parsing algorithms [Earley1970]. This means that in Shieber's approach, the inference rules - prediction and completion - follow a leftmost selection strategy and items are defined according to the position of the endpoints of the string of a completed sub-phrase. gif

Clearly, at least in the case of a context-free backbone, parsing benefits from this characterization, but adapting this ``parsing view'' also for the case of generation causes at least the following two problems. Firstly, the left-to-right selection strategy is inherently more appropriate for parsing than for generation, because in the latter case this can cause a large amount of redundancies. For example, if a rule specifies that a noun phrase occurs to the left of a verb phrase then many nondeterministic possibilities for generation a noun phrase have to be explored (e.g., different cases) before the verb is generated that would restrict some of the alternatives.

The second, more important problem with a strict left-to-right selection is that generation cannot take advantage of the indexing based on string position, because the string is the output of a generator, not the input, of course. Shieber's conclusion to this problem is just to ``remove the feature of tabular parsing methods such as Earley's algorithm that makes parsing reasonably efficient.'' ([Shieber1988], page 617). However, to entertain a goal-directed strategy for generation he expresses the following restriction, which directly turns our attention to the second major problem of Shieber's uniform approach: The meaning associated with an item must subsume some portion of the goal meaning. This restriction results in the semantic monotonicity requirement on grammars. This restriction requires that for every phrase admitted by the grammar the semantic structure of each immediate sub-phrase must subsume some portion of the semantic structure of the entire phrase.gif But then, any item which does not subsume some part of the goal meaning can safely be ignored. For example suppose we start generation from the logical form `passionately(love(sonny,kait))'. Furthermore, assume that the lexicon contains entries with meaning `passionately', `love', `sonny' and `kait' then a grammar is semantic monotonic if phrases with meaning `sonny', `kait', `love(sonny,kait)' and `passionately(love(sonny,kait))' will be constructed during the generation process.

Hence, for grammars that exhibit the semantic monotonicity property, Shieber's algorithm results in a complete generator. However, as stated by Shieber himself, this requirement is too strong because it does not allow generation of idiomatic expressions like `Peter macht ein Nickerchen' with logical form 'nickerchenmachen(peter)' or expressions involving particle verbs like `das Treffen findet morgen im DFKI statt' with logical form `morgen(stattfinden(treffen, DFKI))'.

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Guenter Neumann
Mon Oct 5 14:01:36 MET DST 1998