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For parsing, following a left-to-right on-line strategy, non-termination can occur for subordinate constructions, because the parser will predict subcategorized arguments before the verb, that carries the subcategorization frame. If the subcategorization rule (r tex2html_wrap_inline12179 ) of the grammar in appendix A would only specify information about phonological information, the predictor has to predict the whole set of grammar rules, which will introduce uninstantiated versions of the empty head rule (r tex2html_wrap_inline12181 ) which then causes loops between (r tex2html_wrap_inline12179 ) and (r tex2html_wrap_inline12181 ). To overcome these problems, we have forbidden prediction of the empty head rule at that position by constraining the value of the feature V2 to be NO.gif Now, the empty head rule will not be applicable because of the clash of the V2 value.

Guenter Neumann
Mon Oct 5 14:01:36 MET DST 1998