Selected Presentations
3SC - Semantic Search for Science Communication,
presentation as part of the DFKI visit of the
Summerschool IT Law and Legal Informatics
, 17th August, 2022.
Beyond Chatbot Design - An Overview,
presentation at ESR Workshop
"Beyond Chatbot Design" organized and financed by
LT-Bridge, 12th May, 2022.
How Deep Learning is Changing Natural Language Processing,
presentation at the kick-oof meeting "
Nachhaltige ökologische
Ressourceneffizienz & Resilienz durch Robot Process Automation &
Anwendungen der künstlichen Intelligenz" at TH Aschaffenburg, 1st July, 2021
Monolingual Text Anonymisation for Electronic Health Records,
presentation at the workshop "Anonymisation Training for young Researchers"
organized by the EU project LT-Bridge,
Online webinar, 25th May, 2021.
Question Answering Systems - A Brief Overview,
presentation at "NLP crash course - Voice Applications, Data Collections and more",
organized by GIZ and DFKI,
Online webinar, 1st March, 2021.
KI-basierte Textverarbeitung - Was ist das und für was ist das gut ?
presentation at the conference Künstliche Intelligenz: Schlüsseltechnologie der Zukunft,
Digitiale Woche Kiel, 9th September, 2019.
Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing ",
presentation at AI symposium organized by Vicomtech,
20th June 2019, San Sebastian.
Towards Open Knowledge Exploration, presentation at KIANA Systems, Saarbrücken, 27th February, 2017.
Intelligente Informationsextraktion, presentation at the seminar ''Bibliothek und Information in der digitalen Welt'' organized by the The Saarland University and State Library (SULB), Saarbrücken, 24th November, 2016.
Interactive Text Exploration, presentation at the NII Shonan Meeting Towards Explanation Production Combining Natural Language Processing and Logical Reasoning, Shonan Village Center, Japan, Nov. 23, 2014.
Textual inference: Methods, open source platform and applications, Joined presentation together with Ido Dagan (BIU), Bernardo Magnini (FBK) and Sebastian Pado (University of Stuttgart) at the Symposium on Semantic Text Processing - Industrial Outlook Bar-Ilan University, Department of Computer Science, NLP Lab, Nov. 18-19 2014.
Design and Realization of the EXCITEMENT Open Platform for Textual Entailment, Joined presentation together with Sebastian Pado (University of Stuttgart) at the JSSP2013 - Joint Symposium on Semantic Processing, Trento, Italy, November, 2013.
- TechWatch - Technology and Market Observation powered by SMILA, English slides of my presentation at the Theseus SMILA theme conference "SMILA – Das Framework für semantische Applikationen – Überblick und Einsatz" (SMILA - The Framework for semantic Applications - Overview and Usage), THESEUS – Innovation Center, Berlin, Germany, June, 2011.
- Hybrid Information Extraction - A Survey of Methods and Techniques, Conference: 10 Years Verbmobil - Review and Outlook - Multilingual processing of spontaneous speech, Saarbrücken, Germany, November, 2010.
- Textual Entailment - Methoden und Anwendungen, Department of Psychology, University of Würzburg, Germany, January, 2010.
- Data-oriented Parsing with Lexicalized Tree Insertion Grammars, NLP seminar, CNRS, Nancy, France, March, 2009.
- Web based Multilingual Question Answering, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, November, 2008.
- Ontology-based Information Extraction and Question Answering – Coming Together, 1st OBIE workshop, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September, 2008.
- The Multilingual and Cross-lingual Web, Symposium on "Human Language Technology in Africa: Status and Prospects" funded by the Alexander von Humboldt foundation, Rabat, Morocco, June 2008.
- DFKI at QA@clef 2007, Clef workshop 2007, Budapest, September, 2007.
- A multilingual framework for searching definitions on web snippets, KI-07, Osnabrück, Germany, September, 2007.
- Recognizing Textual Entailment Using a Subsequence Kernel Method, AAAI-07, Vancouver, August, 2007.
- Language independent answer prediction from the Web, FinTal'06, Turku, August, 2006.
- Open-domain crosslingual Question Answering, 30th DFKI meeting of the scientific advisory board (SAB), Saarbrücken, April, 2006.
- Open-domain Cross-lingual Question Answering from Unstructured Documents, LCT Colloquium, Free University of Bozen, Italy, June 9, 2005.
- Language technology and the Semantic Web, Habilitation talk, Saarland University, July 2004.
- Mining Answers in German Web Pages, WI-2003, October, Halifax.
- Interleaving natural language parsing and generation through uniform processing, AI Lab Colloquium, MIT, Massachusetts, USA, July 15, 2002.
- Language Technology and Intelligent Information Extraction, Department of Computer Science, University of Dortmund, Germany, 16th May 2002.
- Information Extraction from Real-world German Text, University of Saarland, Germany, April, 2001.
- PARADIME - Parametrizable Domain-Adaptive Information and Message Extraction. Adapting the SMES System to the Soccer Domain, AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, Feb. 2000.
- A Uniform Architecture for Parsing and Generation of Natural Language, CSLI, Stanford University, November, 1998.
- Data-driven Extraction of Lexicalized Tree Substitution Grammars from HPSG, University of Groningen, Netherlands, November, 1997.