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  1. Noon Pokaratsiri; Saadullah Amin; Günter Neumann (Hrsg.)

    Proceedings of TextGraphs-17: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing

    Workshop on Graph-Based Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs-17), ACL, 2024.

  2. Stalin Varanasi; Muhammad Umer Butt; Günter Neumann

    AutoQIR: Auto-Encoding Questions with Retrieval Augmented Decoding for Unsupervised Passage Retrieval and Zero-shot Question Generation

    In: Large Language Models for Natural Language Processing. International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP-2023), …

  3. Investigating the Encoding of Words in BERT's Neurons Using Feature Textualization

    In: Yonatan Belinkov; Sophie Hao; Jaap Jumelet; Najoung Kim; Arya McCarthy; Hosein Mohebbi (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 6th BlackboxNLP Workshop: …

  4. Saadullah Amin; Pasquale Minervini; David Chang; Pontus Stenetorp; Günter Neumann

    MedDistant19: Towards an Accurate Benchmark for Broad-Coverage Biomedical Relation Extraction

    In: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. International Conference on Computational Linguistics …

  5. Ioannis Dikeoulias; Saadullah Amin; Günter Neumann

    Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Low-rank and Model-agnostic Representations

    In: Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2022), …

  6. Saadullah Amin; Noon Pokaratsiri Goldstein; Morgan Kelly Wixted; Alejandro García-Rudolph; Catalina Martínez-Costa; Günter Neumann

    Few-Shot Cross-lingual Transfer for Coarse-grained De-identification of Code-Mixed Clinical Texts

    In: Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on Biomedical Language Processing. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2022), …

  7. AutoEQA: Auto-Encoding Questions for Extractive Question Answering

    In: The 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing …

  8. Saadullah Amin; Günter Neumann

    T2NER: Transformers based Transfer Learning Framework for Named Entity Recognition

    In: Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations. Conference of …

  9. Eleni Metheniti; Günter Neumann

    Wikinflection Corpus: A (Better) Multilingual, Morpheme-Annotated Inflectional Corpus

    In: LREC. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2020), May 1-4, LREC, 5/2020.