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Human tracking and identification using a sensitive floor and wearable accelerometers

Miguel Sousa; Axel Techmer; Axel Steinhage; Christl Lauterbach; Paul Lukowicz
In: Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2013 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom-2013), March 18-22, San Diego, California, USA, Pages 166-171, ISBN 978-1-4673-4573-6 , IEEE, 2013.


We describe a method for user tracking and localization based on textile capacitive sensor arrays placed under the floor. The sensor array is a commercial product (SensFloor®) that can be installed under any standard floor type (from carpet to stone) and is able to detect objects (including the user's foot) being placed on it. The challenges addressed in this paper are (1) how to map sequences of such signals onto user trajectories and (2) how to correlate the steps detected by the SensFloor system with the step detection based on a wearable accelerometer as means of user identification. Footstep detection is performed online on the devices, which are seamlessly integrated with the floor's wireless sensor network. Initial experiments performed over a week in a real life office environment show the ability to track multiple humans and to identify up to three users walking in a narrow corridor at the same time.

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