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Zeige Ergebnisse 31 bis 40 von 536.
  1. Roland Roller; Christoph Alt; Laura Seiffe; He Wang

    mEx - An Information Extraction Platform for German Medical Text

    In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Healthcare and Life Sciences (SWAT4HCLS'2018). Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Healthcare and Life Sciences (SWAT4HCLS-2018), December 3-5, Antwerp, Belgium, 12/2018.

  2. Screen Space Particle Selection

    In: Tam Gary K. L.; Vidal Franck (Hrsg.). Computer Graphics and Visual Computing. Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC-2018), September 13-14, Swansea, United Kingdom, The Eurographics Association, 2018.

  3. Stéphane Raffard; Robin N. Salesse; Catherine Bortolon; Benoit G. Bardy; José Henriques; Ludovic Marin; Didier Stricker; Delphine Capdevielle

    Using mimicry of body movements by a virtual agent to increase synchronization behavior and rapport in individuals with schizophrenia

    In: Nature Research, Vol. Scientific Reportsvolume 8, No. 17356, Pages 1-10, Springer Nature Publishing AG, 11/2018.

  4. Alexandra König; Nicklas Linz; Johannes Tröger; Aurore Rainouard; Auriane Gros; Jan Alexandersson; Philippe Robert

    Automatic Speech Analysis for the Detection of Emotional Disturbances in Persons with Dementia

    In: Proceedings of the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC). Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC-2018), July 21-25, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Alzheimer's Association, 2018.

  5. Jeyhun Karimov; Tilmann Rabl; Asterios Katsifodimos; Roman Samarev; Henri Heiskanen; Volker Markl

    Benchmarking Distributed Stream Data Processing Systems

    In: IEEE 34th International Conference on Data Engineering. IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE-2018), April 16-19, Paris, France, IEEE Xplore, 10/2018.

  6. Alejandro Baucells Costa; Bo Zhou; Orkhan Amiraslanov; Paul Lukowicz

    Wearable Spirometry: Using Integrated Environment Sensor for Breath Measurement

    In: NexTech 2018. International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM-2018), ISBN 978-1-61208-676-7, IARIA XPS Press, 2018.

  7. Sergiy Melnyk; Abraham Gebru Tesfay; Khurshid Alam; Hans Dieter Schotten; Vladica Sark; Nebojsa Maletic; Mohammed Ramadan; Marcus Ehrig; Thomas Augustin; Waqar Anwar; Martin Danneberg; Norman Franchi; Gerhard Fettweis

    Reliable Low Latency Wireless Communication Enabling Industrial Mobile Control and Safety Applications

    In: ITG-Fachbericht 278 - Mobilkommunikation – Technologien und Anwendungen - 23. ITG-Fachtagung. ITG-Fachtagung (ITG-2018), May 16-17, Osnabrück, Germany, ISBN 978-3-8007-4408-4, VDE, 2018.

  8. Nils Rethmeier; Marc Hübner; Leonhard Hennig

    Learning Comment Controversy Prediction in Web Discussions Using Incidentally Supervised Multi-Task CNNs

    In: The 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis - Proceedings of the Workshop. Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis (WASSA-2018), located at EMNLP 2018, October 31 - November 4, Brussels, Belgium, Pages 316-321, Association for Computational Linguistics, 10/2018.

  9. Prasenjit Basu; Santanu Pal; Sudip Kumar Naskar

    Keep It or Not: Word Level Quality Estimation for Post-Editing

    In: Proceedings of the Third Conference on Machine Translation: Shared Task Papers. Conference on Machine Translation (WMT-2018), located at EMNLP 2018, October 31 - November 1, Brussels, Belgium, Pages 759-764, Vol. 2, Association for Computational Linguistics, 10/2018.