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Sprachtechnologie und Multilingualität


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  1. Christoph Alt; Marc Hübner; Leonhard Hennig

    Improving Relation Extraction by Pre-trained Language Representations

    In: Proceedings of AKBC 2019. Automated Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC-2019), May 20-22, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, OpenReview, 2019.

  2. Christoph Alt; Marc Hübner; Leonhard Hennig

    Fine-tuning Pre-Trained Transformer Language Models to Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction

    In: Proceedings of ACL 2019. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2019), July 28 - August 3, Florence, Italy, ACL, …

  3. Robert Schwarzenberg; Marc Hübner; David Harbecke; Christoph Alt; Leonhard Hennig

    Layerwise Relevance Visualization in Convolutional Text Graph Classifiers

    In: 13th Workshop on Graph-Based Natural Language Processing. Workshop on Graph-Based Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs-2019), located at EMNLP …

  4. Nils Rethmeier; Marc Hübner; Leonhard Hennig

    Learning Comment Controversy Prediction in Web Discussions Using Incidentally Supervised Multi-Task CNNs

    In: The 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis - Proceedings of the Workshop. Workshop on …

  5. Roland Roller; Nils Rethmeier; Philippe Thomas; Marc Hübner; Hans Uszkoreit; Fabian Halleck; Oliver Staeck; Klemens Budde; Danilo Schmidt

    Detecting Named Entities and Relations in German Clinical Reports

    In: Proceedings of the International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology. Conference of the German …


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