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Zeige Ergebnisse 81 bis 90 von 589
  1. Patrick Gebhard; Gregor Mehlmann; Michael Kipp

    Visual SceneMaker—a tool for authoring interactive virtual characters

    In: Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI), Vol. n.n. Pages 1-9, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, 12/2011.

  2. Roland Roller; Tatjana Scheffler; Norbert Reithinger

    Human-Machine Corpus Analysis for Generation and Interaction with Spoken Dialog Systems

    In: Joscha Bach; Stefan Edelkamp (Hrsg.). KI 2011: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2011), …

  3. Tatjana Scheffler; Roland Roller; Norbert Reithinger

    SpeechEval: A Domain-Independent User Simulation Platform for Spoken Dialog System Evaluation

    In: Ramon Lopez-Cozar Delgado; Tetsunori Kobayashi (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Paralinguistic Information and its Integration in Spoken Dialogue …

  4. Hendrik Zender

    Situated Production and Understanding of Verbal References to Entities in Large-Scale Space

    Saarbrücken Dissertations in Computational Linguistics and Language Technology, Vol. 36, ISBN 978-3-933218-35-3, German Research Center for Artificial …

  5. Gorka Epelde; Eduardo Carrasco; Gottfried Zimmermann; Jan Alexandersson; Robert Neßelrath; Markus Dubielzig

    Universal Remote Console-based next-generation accessible television

    In: Universal Access in the Information Society, Vol. 10, Pages 1-15, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011.

  6. Jakob Schwendner; Sylvain Joyeux

    Self Localisation using Embodied Data for a Hybrid Leg-Wheel Robot

    In: Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics …

  7. Semantische Technologien: Grundlagen. Konzepte. Anwendungen.

    ISBN 978-3827426635, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 10/2011.

  8. Mohammed Ahmed; Lorenz Quack; Malte Langosz; Yong-Ho Yoo

    Development of a Real and Simulation Testbed for Legged Robot Soil Interaction

    In: Proceedings of International Conference of the International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems. International Conference of the International …

  9. Marcus Liwicki; Sebastian Ebert; Andreas Dengel

    From Handwriting Recognition to Ontologie-Based Information Extraction of Handwritten Notes

    In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems. International Conference on …